So I Guess My Mom's A Martyr

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        When Grenadine grew older, she would continue to learn the history of King Sombra from both sides of the fight. She learned that Sombre was named after him because her parents believed he was a very strong Unicorn without being aware of the whole history. Grenadine learned that her parents were likely killed for giving birth to her. Grenadine learned that she was adopted.

"Mom," Grenadine called from down the hall in her room. "We've been learning more about Umbrums in class recently, and Mister Prints says that it's unlikely for an Umbrum to be birthed to a regular Unicorn."

Grenadine was ten, now. She had learned how to deal with the strange looks she got from her peers when she came up in conversation. Her horn was something she tried her best to hold high when she couldn't hide it. She had studied more magic in her free time since no one wanted to really interact with her. Lately, she had been reading up on some of the more hidden spells.

Golden Rays was in truly in shock this time. Never did she think she would have to tell her daughter about where she came from so early in life. As a teenager, sure, she'd figure out their colours weren't right but at ten? "Well," Goldie started, unsure what all to say. "It's true. I didn't actually... um. Birth you. But I have raised you since you were just a baby."

Grenadine looked up at her not-actually-mother with wide eyes. "Then... where is my real mother?"

Goldie closed and opened her eyes again, sighing. "Come here," She gestured with her hoof to the seat next to her on the couch. "I'm going to tell you the story of how I found you."

It had been a normal day for Golden Rays: pick up the fruit from the vendor, say bye to her neighbours and head back to Ponyville for the rest of the year. Manehattan was nice, but it was simply too cold when it wasn't Summer.

"One train ticket to Ponyville, please!" The yellow Unicorn said. The ticket pony handed her the yellow paper, and she was on her way to the train station.

It had been quite an uneventful break, Goldie thought. No drama between any of the neighbours, no issues with the weather ponies this year (there was always an issue with the weather ponies). The red-maned Unicorn was happy to return to her tiny little cottage in a tiny little town right outside the Royal Palace borders.

Choo choo! The whistle on the train let out a screech and came to a halt on the tracks, opening the doors for ponies to get on and off. Goldie picked up her things and walked into the train car.

The ride home was quite pleasant; Goldie got to see all the different lands on the way, one being the Crystal Empire train stop. It was a bit out of the way, but she preferred the scenic route to quick anytime. This was different, though. The Crystal Empire train stop was right up ahead, and there was a strange-looking Unicorn holding something in her magic, racing to the doors. Behind her were two guards, determined to catch the Unicorn.

What could she have possibly done? Goldie said nothing aloud and tried to mind her own business. No one entered or left the car, but the doors did open and close. A few minutes passed and Goldie went to see what went down at the stop, or if anyone had seen what the fuss was about with the strange Unicorn being chased by the soldiers.

"Goodness!" The yellow Unicorn was just about to reach the door to the next train car when she saw it: a baby Unicorn bundled in a fluffy blanket. No mother or father to be seen. "Oh, no..." She noticed the curved horn. The mother was running from the guards so she could save the child.

Out of the good of her heart, the pony sat down next to the baby, put her in her lap, and napped until they arrived at Ponyville, somewhere the Umbrum would be safe.

"So..." Grenadine looked at the ground, her vision foggy. "My mom got rid of me?" She looked up at the older Unicorn, who quickly shook her head.

"No! No, goodness, no, of course not! She simply couldn't keep you or else you would have gotten very hurt. She just... couldn't also make it to the train in time." The two sat in silence for a minute before Goldie broke the silence. "It seems to be getting a bit late. How about I cook us a quick meal and then we play a board game, huh? Does that sound good, sweetheart?" The yellow Unicorn got off the couch and went towards the kitchen.

"Yeah!" Grenadine faked a happy tone. "Sounds good," While her guardian began to get the dishes and ingredients out of the pantry, the peach filly went into her room and composed herself. Her mom didn't abandon her, she just couldn't keep her. It was better for both of them.

After taking a few deep breaths, the dark-haired filly reached under her bed and pulled out a book of spells she had gotten from the library.

Because no one wanted to talk to the filly in her classes, Grenadine thought it would be fitting if she found a hobby to fill the empty hours of her days. The library that used to belong to one of the legendary princesses had been opened to all, and recently Grenadine had been finding it quite entertaining to check out all sorts of magic books. The most recent one she had acquired was one about old Unicorns and ancient spells that were used to better the lives of those who were in need of assistance. On page eighteen was a spell about teleporting objects, and the peach filly was determined to learn it next. She already knew how to lift objects, why not make moving them easier?

"Dinner!" Goldie called. Man, had it been that long already?

"Coming!" The girl called back. The scent of spaghetti drifted through the air, luring Grenadine to her seat. She sat down and started making her plate. There was a stack of games in the living room, food on the table, and a few hours before the young girl needed to get ready for bed. Morning would be boring but tonight was time to relax. Grenadine knew where she came from, knew why she was here, and finally could dispute all of the snide remarks that the princesses made at school.

Tomorrow can wait. I have board games to play, Grenadine thought, as she began to dive into her meal.

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