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Shawn's POV

"You're really... different when we have sex... like...not at all what I expected.."

We had just finished and we were laying down and Camila had just given me an incredibly intense orgasm, physically, but also mentally because she told me she that she wanted me to  fuck her so good her pussy aches. That honesty, put me over the edge.

"Is that.. bad?" She asked, concern coating her voice and turning towards m.e

"Oh my god, not at all... it's like incredibly hot and I honestly didn't think you could be any sexier it just really.. trips me out sometimes. When I met you seem so... reserved or innocent.  Camila Cabello you're a naughty girl." I said the last part to make her laugh.

"SHAWWWN." Her face was red with embarrassment but I knew she was struggling to hold back laughter. She covered her face.. I don't know I guess in the moment, it just comes out. We should probably discuss like boundaries but like.. maybe it's too late for that."

"I mean yeah. I've been with other girls, but I've never really explored anything kinky or edgy, but I would be down to try anything with you..."

"The first guy I was with, he was Russian and he wanted me to pee on him..." Camila said

"Did you do it?"

"No comment."

We laughed until we fell asleep. 

Camila's POV

That afternoon when we came back from work, Shawn was changing his clothes so he could go back out and pick up sushi we'd just ordered. "Hey baby, I've been checking the mail, but nothing has come in yet,"  he called from the room. We'd been waiting for my citizenship things to come in the mail, but so far nothing. "It's been like 2 weeks, maybe we should call and see what's up?" Shawn said as he tied his shoes.

"Okay." Not having the physical documents in my hand gave me some anxiety. I was startled when the doorbell rang. I looked through the hole and I could tell it was Shawn's parents. I opened it immediately, "Oh my god, Karen, Manuel," It's so good to see you!"

"Hi mom, hi dad, What's up? what brings you into the city? I'm going to pick up sushi right now but I can call ahead and add to my order?"

"Sure, son that would be fine," Manuel said. Something was up, I could tell, but I was distracted because Shawn pulled me in for a kiss. "Love you, baby, be back in a bit." Even though we kissed pretty frequently, it still made me swoon.

"Come on in," I closed the door and busied myself with looking through the mail again in case I'd missed something.

"Are you looking for this?" Manuel held up a white envelope.

I froze. I wasn't able to see what it was but I walked over and he handed it to me. It said was from the Department of Citizenship and immigration. It was addressed to Shawn Mendes but it was his parents' address. 

"Uh... hmmm... " I said suddenly becoming acutely aware that they knew something was up.

"You can talk to us. We're just concerned... Is this.. real?" Karen made a motion that was like gesturing to the apartment.

Oh shit. "I.. think we should wait for Shawn to get home, but the only thing I can tell you is that we're in love."

That seemed to give them both a sigh of relief and we waited for Shawn. Waiting was agony. Karen walked around and looked at the photos on our wall. It was hard to tell which ones we took while "faking" because, now looking back I could see the glimmer in his eyes when he'd look at me. We looked happy.

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