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All I knew was that my pregnant wife was on her way to the nearest hospital. I didn't know if she'd been shot and no one could confirm. My dad raced us over as fast as he could, the whole time I was a mess. I couldn't lose her. I couldn't lose our son.

Aaliyah tried to calm me down, but I was inconsolable. When I got the the hospital I needed answers. I couldn't and wouldnt calm down until I knew my son and my wife were okay.

I confirmed that I was Camila's husband and the nurse said he'd have a doctor come out and speak to me.

"Mr.Mendes, are you Camila's husband and the father of the baby?"

"Yes, yes  that's me how's Camila, how's the baby?" I asked frantically.

"Your wife and child are okay. She received a bullet wound to her leg, but nothing  that endangered her or the baby. Her high blood pressure caused her to pass out and momentarily, put her and the baby at high risk, but her blood pressure has stabilized and we are monitoring the baby. We'd like to keep her here for a couple days to make sure everything is okay."

I nearly collapsed when I processed the words coming out of his mouth.

A police officer came over and spoke to us as I sat down, still unbalanced and shaky from processing all the information. The officer  filled us in on what happened. When Camila fainted, that gave officers the opportunity to shoot. Matthew shot Camila in the leg when she fell and an officer shielded her from the bullets. Matthew got one shot out, before he was met with 16. He died on the scene.

When I finally got the okay to see Camila, the nurse informed me she was still groggy but awake.

When I walked in, her eyes immediately widened and she started to cry. "Don't cry, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, don't cry, you're okay, the baby's okay," I held her close to my chest and tried to put away my anger at that stupid son of a bitch who could have killed my wife. Her face was bruised and I knew he'd hit her but I couldn't handle her confirming that right now.

"Is he... he's?" Camila looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"He won't find you ever again, I promise." I knew I didn't need to say that he was dead, but she knew.

"I'm so sorry, I wrote the note did you--" Camila began.

"I got it. SOS? You're so clever, baby," I kissed her forehead.

"I'd never leave you like that... with a note... he made me write it..." Camila explained.

"I know I haven't known you for very long but my heart knows your heart and I know that if you were ever unhappy, you'd talk to me. I knew something was wrong when I saw the note and I knew that even if it was your handwriting, it wasn't your words."

I rested my forehead against hers and we synchronized out heartbeats and our breaths. "I love you so much, Camila." I pulled out her wedding ring that she'd left on the counter on top of the note and slipped it on her finger. She smiled and kissed me before the medicine kicked in and she drifted off to stop. I put my hands on her belly, on our unborn son, and kissed her bump. "I love you,too little buddy." We still hadn't figured out a name yet, but I knew it would come. That was the least of my worries. I knew right now all I was grateful for was that my family was okay.

After we were released from the hospital, we continued to look for a house. We found one exactly 21 minutes from work and 18 minutes from my parents. It was beautiful and there was a park right down the street. We spent two days painting the baby's room, a mint green color and my parents and my sister helped us move in all our furniture. Their gift to us was an insanely comfortable and huge couch. We put the couch we had in the condo in a guest room. The house had 4 bedrooms and a beautiful backyard that was already landscaped and included a fountain.  I missed the view, but I loved our new house. We didn't have to wait for elevators or be annoyed by loud music playing above or below us.

The first meal we cooked in our new home was crepes, one of the first things we'd cooked together. Camila was still shit at flipping them, but she knew, at least this time, that it was okay. We laughed as we cooked and then sat on our  comfy couch in our beautiful new home. 

My mom came over to help set up the baby room and my dad and I put together a crib, which was... honestly, the fucking instructions could have been in Swedish because it was ridiculous, but we finally managed. I know we only have 3 months to go but everyday we  were getting so excited to meet our son, who we decided to name  Elijah Cheyenne Mendes. Elijah was the name of the officer who'd shielded Camila from the gunshots, something I would never forget. He saved my wife, the love of the life and I couldn't have been more grateful.

Author's note: I feel bad for lack of updates and also bad for leaving you on a cliffhanger.

Alsoooo..... I'm so bummed that one of my fav fic writers has disappeared from the wattpad world. Anyone read The Deal or Lucky Number 7?

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