Used to this

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Camila's POV

Elijah was a week old when we were days from celebrating our first Thanksgiving in our new home, as a family.

Truly, we had so much to be thankful for. I had so much to be thankful for. I couldn't believe a perfect stranger would offer to marry and even more so, I couldn't believe he turned out to be just that;perfect.

I don't mean that Shawn never made mistakes, or he was incapable of having flaws, because he's human,but every aspect of how we got to this point was perfect.

I'd just woken up and the bed was empty. I wandered out in the living room and saw the most beautiful thing;Shawn, asleep on the couch shirtless, Elijah asleep on his chest. I'd fallen asleep after feeding him last night and I remembered him crying at some point, but my eyes were glued shut with exhaustion. I assumed Shawn picked him up and brought him to the living room so that his cries wouldn't wake me. I don't think I've ever been more in love with anyone or anything as much as I was completely and hopelessly in love with my husband and in love with the sight of him holding our sleeping son.They were sleeping so soundly, I laid down next to them, but not before planting a gently kiss on Shawn's sleeping lips and a kiss on Elijah's forehead.

Sofia would be flying in for Thanksgiving and Karen was over helping prepare food. Shawn went to pick up Sofia from the airport and Aaliyah fulfilled her aunt duties by holding Elijah in her arms.

When I laid eyes on my little sister, for the first time in months, I cried. I don't know why I cried, but I cried and she cried and she cried even more when she held Elijah for the first time.

"Cami, he's beautiful,I can't believe it...I can't believe you made a whole.. baby...." she said completely mesmerized by the tiny human in her arms.

"Hey,hey, she had help! I donated 50% of his cuteness," Shawn commented and everyone laughed out loud.

We sat down at the table and Shawn, stood up to speak.

Shawn's POV

My heart was thumping in my chest but I stood up.

"I want to thank you all for being here today. You had really no other choice if I'm being honest, but here we are. A year ago, the woman in front of me was my wife, legally, but emotionally we were a mess. I loved her.. she loved me and neither of us had the nerve to admit it yet. I know our road has been unconventional to say the least, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Life brought me to you and it brought us our beautiful son and I will never be able to understand what I did right to deserve you both, but I'm going to try my hardest to always be worthy of your love and to always be there for our son. Camila Cabello, I know we already did this once, and I know the first time I asked you to marry me wasn't the most romantic..." I got down on one knee and opened a box that contained a beautiful diamond ring. My heart raced and everything was in slow motion, nerves pulsating through every vein. Camila covered her mouth, clearly surprised, but a good surprise, I hoped. I continued, "but I would be so honored if you would marry me... again, but this time with a wedding you deserve," I finished. All she could do was nod and cry and fall into my arms. I held my wife in my arms and tried to comprehend how I got so lucky.

The rest of the evening was beautiful and filled with love and laughter.

When everyone went to bed, I held Elijah in my arms as he yawned sleepily. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I kissed him on his forehead and he closed his eyes finally. Camila snuggled up next to me and looked up at me. "I could get used to this," she said, her eyes sparkling with admiration and love.

"Me too," I said meeting her lips in a tender kiss.

Author's note: Next chap is the epilogue and thaatttt' s all folks. Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me. I love reading comments from people who stumble upon this story and actually like it. Still blows my mind.

Also, my birthday was AMAZING. I got so many gifts from my students and I had the most amazing romantic evening with my girlfriend. We went out to dinner and then came home and took a bath with a Lush bathbomb and she gave me a full body massage along with some other things ;) I'm so blessed. Thank you for all the birthday wishes! You are all the best!

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