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Camila's POV

Being married to Shawn wasn't without it's challenges, but overall it was bliss. We split our time between Elijah and still kept our jobs at the company. Aaliyah loved to babysit when we needed a night to ourselves and so did Karen.

One particular night, after a night of sex, I somehow felt in the pit of my stomach that I'd gotten pregnant. It was a weird feeling. I didn't say anything to Shawn and sure enough 6 weeks later, I was pregnant.

This time with  a girl. Shawn was ecstatic and laughed when I confessed that I'd known the second it happened.

Lang became one of our closest friends and one night, after one too many shots of tequila we confessed what we'd done. Lang laughed so hard she cried. "That's honestly, the best thing I've ever heard... I can't believe you asked her to marry you and then you asked her to divorce you in the same sentence!" She said to Shawn.

"HAHA. Okay, let's all laugh at Shawn who was nervous to ask a complete stranger to marry him," he said as Lang and I continued to laugh.

When Harper was born, Sofia came and announced that she was getting married to her girlfriend.

We all attended the wedding in Miami. It was the first time I'd been back since Matthew and it warmed my heart to see my 4 year old son and my 1 year old playing in the water and the sand. It was hard to believe that I ever wanted to leave this place. Miami was beautiful. Shawn promised we'd made frequent trips to Miami, but I insisted that Canada was my new home.

A year later, I got pregnant again. Karen smacked Shawn jokingly on the head. "Shawn, really?" Everyone laughed.

This time it was a boy and we named him Alex.

10 years passed by and we had a household with a 14 year old, an 11 year old and a 10 year old. Life wasn't without it's challenges, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Our kids were amazing and Shawn was the best father. He was firm, but affectionate, kind but also knew when to put his foot down. His weakness was Harper though. She had him wrapped around her little finger.

After the 3rd kid, Shawn decided to get a vasectomy. My last pregnancy with Alex was hard and I'd almost died in childbirth. Shawn couldn't handle it and decided to get the operation done.

Shawn's POV

I could barely move the day they told me Camila had lost so much blood in the operating room. I couldn't bare the thought of a world without my wife and my kids without their mom.

Thankfully, everything was okay and my heart was whole again the moment I placed my newborn son in my wife's arms.

Time passed both quickly and slowly. We'd gotten promoted at work and we did  a great job of splitting our time between the kids and each other. Our kids loved their grandparents and especially their aunts.

The moment my son graduated from medical school at the age of 26, I knew in that moment I'd been blessed.

I looked at my wife, with tears in her eyes, and couldn't believe that she'd been a stranger to me once. A stranger who trusted me with her life, a stranger who trusted me to be her husband.

I knew that no matter where life took us, we'd be okay. I believed in us and I believed that the love we had for each other, would get us through anything.

Author's Note: I loved writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please check out my other stories and leave comments. 

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