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Camila's POV
How would it be possible for me to be pregnant? I mean.. I know like how it happens but.. I was on the pill.. we..were.. careful? Lies, no we weren't. So many thoughts were racing through my mind I had no idea what to do. Shawn would be home in 10 minutes from the gym and I knew if he took one look at me he'd know something was wrong.

I grabbed my keys and left the condo. I texted Shawn that I was going out to pick up conditioner because ran out It was the first lie I could think of.

So here I was in the middle of a Duane Reade staring at a variety of pink cardboard boxes. In that moment I was somehow annoyed they were all pink. The words like first response, early detection, and pregnancy were kind of all blurring together--why do they have to make this shit complicated? There were condoms right next to all the pregnancy tests. You motherfuckers. Whose idea was it to put the condoms next to the pregnancy tests? I felt like they were taunting me.

We should have kept using condoms..  but it was too late for should haves and could haves. Camila you idiot, this is your fault. Fuck.  What would Shawn say? Would he blame me? Would he be upset? The timing wasn't ideal. We hadn't even been married a year. I was freaking the fuck out and finally chose a box that said first response. The woman at the checkout station was judging me. I mean she probably wasn't but I was feeling judged.

I stepped outside and made my way back to the condo. When I walked in I heard the shower running and was grateful. I slipped into the guest bathroom and locked the door. My hands were literally trembling as I opened the box and took out the test. Maybe I was nervous, but I really did need to pee. I peed on the stupid plastic stick. I stared at it and read the directions. There was a circle and a line. There needed to be a line in the circle for it to mean that I was pregnant. Time was going by so slow, I knew any minute Shawn would be out of the shower and I had no idea what to tell him.

My timer went off and I looked at the stick.

Shawn's POV

I came back from the gym and saw Camila's text. I figured I'd hop in the shower while I waited for her to come back. As I was showering I picked up Camila's bottle of conditioner. It was half full. Hmm. That's weird.

I turned off the water, threw on some shorts and walked out into the living room. I noticed Camila's keys on the table but didn't see Camila. I knocked on the guest bathroom. "Baby, are you in there?"

"Yeah.. I needed to use the bathroom and you were in the shower. Be out in a minute!"

When she came out I was busying myself in the kitchen making a sandwich. I took sandwich making seriously so I was so focused on layering the ham and turkey I didn't notice when she walked out.I looked up, "baby you want a sandwich?"

"I'm okay," she said.

I finished my sandwich and put it on a plate and sat at the table. Camila looked pale. "What's wrong. Camz?"

I lifted the sandwich to my mouth anticipating the first bite. "I'm pregnant."

I dropped my sandwich back onto the plate. "Sorry, what did you say, I think I have water in my ears.

"I'm... pregnant."

I froze. I knew I'd heard the words come out of her mouth but I had no idea what to say. Say something, you idiot. I think my brain malfunctioned and before I could get it together, Camila ran into the bedroom That brought me out of my daze and I immediately got up to go after her but I was met with slammed door in my face. 

"Camila, baby, I'm sorry, please come out. Let's talk."

"Are you mad?"

"I'm not talking to a closed door."

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