Chapter: 12

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I got dressed for the day and checked myself. I took a deep breath and pulled my bootsl on. I went to eat breakfast then went to school. The guys didn't talk to me at all. I didn't mind. At lunch they didn't either. As soon as school let out, Zeek was holding me back in the classroom. "You need to stay away from him." He said.

"You need to mind your own business. I'll deal with it when he does do me wrong. You keep your nose out of it." I told him as I shoved by him. I went directly out to my truck heading to the ranch before our date tonight. I got Twister out and rode him down a trail. I timed the way in. When my timer went off I turned Twister around before heading back. I looked at the time and decided to lope him back.

When I got there, Zeek was waiting. I unsaddled Twister, brushed him down, and gave him fresh water. I gave him one last pet before going to my truck. I got in and as soon as I got to my house, I saw Cox was already here. I pulled in, got out and headed for the door. Inside, him and Dan were talking.

"There she is. What took you so long?" Dan asked. I looked at the time. "Fifteen minutes past five thirty. I would have been on time if my roping partner was minding his own business." I said. I wiped the dirt from my face and cleaned up a bit. Cox was completely dressed down. Jeans and a tee shirt.

Cox moved to stand in the doorway of the bathroom. "That will work for tonight." He said. I smiled. "Even though I look like a mess?" I asked. "Even though you look like a mess." He said. I smiled again. Then turned to him. He wrapped me up in his arms. I sighed into his chest. When I inhaled, it was a mix of his cologne, horse sweat, straw, and leather.

"Easy dinner and a trail ride?" He asked. I nodded. "Want your own horse?" He asked. I smiled. "He probably would love it." I said. "Let's go then." He said taking my hand. We went out to his truck, got in and went to get my horse. He hooked up the stock trailer to his truck while I put my tack on my horse. I tied him in the trailer and made sure he was set for the trip.

I got out of the trailer and locked it up. We got back in the truck and went to get his horse. "What are you planning?" I asked. "Just a date with my girl." He said as he opened his door. "Be right back." He said. Ten minutes later, Cox was getting back in. We went into town and found parking.

"We are going to ride our horses through town." He said unbuckling. We both got our horses out and mounted up. He led the way to a drive through. An older man with a flatbed truck let us go in front of him. We decided what we wanted before ordering. Cox was the one that called it.

We went to the first window and the employee at the window got a kick out of it. Twister bobbed his head. Cox paid for our dinner before we went to the next window. They got a kick out of it too. We got our dinner and got on with our date. He rode street side while we ate. Twister kind of liked this. We did get looks for riding our horses through town.

When we got back to the truck and trailer, we loaded our horses and took them home. We sat in my living room cuddled up watching tv until my alarm went off. "I'll see you tomorrow night baby." He said. "Good luck." I told him. "Same to you baby." He said. As soon as he left, I went to shower.

Then crawled into bed. Dan got home a little after. He didn't bother me at all. My phone buzzed. Meaning Cox was home and telling me goodnight. I looked at my phone.
'Goodnight baby.' -C
'Goodnight. I'll buy dinner tomorrow night.' -J
'Not a chance baby.' -C
'Too late. We can eat before it starts.' -J
'👍' -C

I put my phone down and went to sleep.

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