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New York City

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The news described Nash Reed as one of the most sought-after hockey players in the United American Hockey League, and as one of the most sought-after players off the ice as well. His thick, wavy, dark brown hair, a chiseled face with a strong jaw, full soft lips, and piercing green eyes made women everywhere swoon and wish for just one night with the sexy athlete. The fact that he had a large and extremely muscular build only added to his sexiness and women's infatuation with him. At 6'3, he was more along the size of a defenseman on the ice, than of his actual position as a forward. He was surprisingly fast and agile and was one of the top scorers in the league.

As if he needed more attention, or maybe just because he had so much of it, he had become the model for Armani's new cologne. The ads were taking over the internet and could be found on billboards and in magazines everywhere. I had paused from unpacking yesterday and stared at the ad that was playing on the TV as I opened my large red suitcase. I pretty quickly forgot about what I was doing as my eyes stayed glued on Nash. He was dressed only in a pair of worn blue jeans. That sexy kind that fit perfectly around his muscular thighs and hung really low on his hips. His bare, tanned, and very muscular arms were crossed over his massive chest which made his biceps and shoulder muscles stand out even more. His stance displayed abs so ripped it looked like coins could be bounced off of them.

"Damn," I had sighed to myself as the camera took in the hard pelvic muscles that formed the perfect v line and trailed down into the jeans. The way the jeans fit snug around his perfect ass and muscular legs. Nash's dark hair was messy just like I remembered it and fell over his forehead. It just added to his already ridiculous sex appeal. His trademark smirk was on his lips and there was a glint in his green eyes. The ad, just like Nash, was totally drool-worthy.

In short, Nash Reed was sexy as hell.

I'd sighed again when the ad ended and had to turn my focus back to the suitcase. It was nowhere near as interesting as watching a half-naked Nash.

"Get a grip, Kennedy," I'd muttered to myself.

At age twenty five, I had just landed my dream job. After studying hard through college and working my way up at a large advertising firm in Chicago, I had applied for and been given a job opportunity in the advertising department at a firm located in Madison Square Garden in New York City, the home of the New York Empires, which just happened to be Nash's team. My ultimate goal had always been the Big Apple, and I sacrificed a lot to get here. I had spent more hours in the Chicago office than any of my colleagues and volunteered for projects that nobody else wanted in order to gain experience. It had been a few difficult and lonely years, but it paid off. I had finally accomplished my goal.  

I was very excited about the job opportunity and that was the reason for the move to New York. At least that was what I told people, but it wasn't the whole truth.

I was like the rest of the female population, totally smitten by Nash Reed. I just didn't admit it out loud. Truthfully, it was more than just an attraction for me. I had been head over heels in love with Nash since I was a little girl. The difference between me and most of the other women that were infatuated with him was that I actually knew him. We had grown up next door to each other in a small suburban town in upstate New York. It had been a couple of years since I last saw him, but that hadn't stopped me from staying on top of his career. I'd tried to limit myself and only pay attention to his career and not bother with the gossip about his latest conquests because that was just too much for my heart to handle.

Just like other childhood friends, we had promised each other that distance wouldn't make a difference and that we would stay in touch. And we did, in the beginning. As time went on our contact became less and less. We had only met up a few times since we left for college. Mostly during the holidays because our parents lived next door to each other so it was difficult not to. A couple of times I had gone to see him play when the NY Empires were in Chicago.

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