Plans on Plans

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No one looked appalled nor were they confused, when Stephen shoved his daughter through a portal. They were however, distraught, hundreds upon hundreds of mutants, roamed through the streets of New York City; destroying everything in their path.

Peter wasn't distraught. The boy knew that the reason why the Avengers were, was because they didn't have a plan. Peter, however, did. Peter knew what he had had to do. So, when Steven unknowingly, caused a distraction by putting his daughter through portal; Peter took that chance and snuck out of the building entirely.

'Alright, this is what we are going to do' Steve spoke up 'Natasha, and Clint, you both try and find where these people are coming from, and stop it. Remember, nothing can grow without it's roots'

He then turned to Tony and Thor

'Tony, Thor you both take to the sky. Ground as many of these guys as possible. Bruce and I will hit the streets; and Stephen, find the leader of this organisation'

'Will do' Stephen said, then disappeard

'So, Peter that means you can assist... Where's the kid?' Steve asked

'Mr. Parker had left the building already' J.A.R.V.I.S. informed everyone

Tony rolled his eyes and sighed 'That kid is going to be the death of me. Alright we will probably see him out there. Avengers Assemble'

Peter was on a mission, he was going to find who he needed to find, and make them listen. At the moment, he didn't care who he had to deal with; whether it was the queen of England or homeless man, Peter was going to get them to listen.

Peter followed his orders, the boy follow the plan, and so he swung himself to the museum of natural history, and waited. Five minutes passed and nothing happened, Peter waited for a few more minutes then he heard some one yell.

'Hey it's Spiderman' a boy yelled he was as tall as Bruce was, and had carrot orange hair spiked up. The boy looked around the age of 15, and his body looks like a miniature Dwayne the rock Johnson. The only difference was the boys hands, which where abnormally large, reminded Peter of two large hairy hams.

Being cocky Peter stood up

'Hey it's, wait, who are you?'

'My name is RAGE' The boy then raised his arms into the air, clasping his hands together and slamming them back onto the ground.

The ground cracked and blew into a straight line, right towards Peter. Without hesitating, Peter shot his web up onto a lamp post, so he would not be effected by the blast.

When the blast hit the lamp post, Peter jumped off it, heading straight to Rage. Aiming to kick the mutant in the chest, however, Peter underestimated how quick the human wreck-it-Ralph was; and was taken back when Rage, took a hold of his leg, and swung him into the tree on the other side of the street.

Peter got up slowly, while clutching his left shoulder. When he looked up, Peter saw the mutant boy making his way to him, while dragging his large hands on the ground.

'Okay' Peter said to himself 'How would Eleanora deal with you?'

Then he got an idea, the most wonderful, brilliant, cruel idea. Not having any siblings while growing up, Peter never got to do this; but this was his chance. Peter started to advance towards Rage, and when the mutant started to lift his hands, Peter jump sticking his hands onto Rages.

Rage being large but oblivious, didn't notice that he lifted Peter into the air, and a right onto his shoulders. Having the advance at the moment, Peter wrapped his legs around the mutant; and shot his web from his left hand, stretching it to Rage's left wrist, and same for the other side. Then Peter did something that he always wanted to do.

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