The Dream

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I was walking as briskly as I could, trying to get home. Did he notice how my cheeks went red when he spoke to me?
Does he notice that it happens whenever he talks to me in general?
I jump and turn around, "Oh right...sorry Mob. I was lost in thought." I stop walking so fast to let him catch up to me. "What's with you and master? You get so embarrassed when he's around. That's not like you at all."
I look away from Mob, my cheeks are heating up again just talking about Reigen, "There's nothing between us Mob," I say in a slightly sorrowful tone, "he's just your boss that I see whenever I come pick you up from work." Mob looks at me with big eyes, "Oh yeah I know that, I didn't think there was anything between you too. Sorry, you must have misunderstood me. What I meant was-"
I cut him off, "Yeah, of course! I knew that! Let's hurry and get home, it's getting colder out here!" We both started walking faster. Just why can't I stop embarrassing myself? I'm lucky my little brother is oblivious to most things...

A short walk later we finally arrive back home. Ritsu greets us as we walk in, "Hey guys, how was the walk back?"
"It's definitely getting colder outside, we're going to have to bundle up from now on."
I give my youngest brother a hug and go up to my room. I put on a movie and laid back to relax. However, as I drifted to sleep thoughts of Reigen filled my head.

I had a dream that we were in his office, Mob wasn't there though, it was just the two of us. We were talking about something, we were laughing together, it was nice, it was sweet. Suddenly he got up and walked closer to me, he was so close I swear I could smell his cheap cologne. He put his hand under my chin and made me look up at him. As he stood there, gazing down at me I could feel myself blush. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and bent down to ever so gently kiss me. His lips were soft against mine and I wanted more, he laid me down on the office sofa where he slowly slid his hands up my shirt. I moaned softly as I could feel my body crave him, he watched me moan and squirm underneath his touch. Suddenly he removed his hand and started planting kisses all over my body. "Reigen what are you-"
"Shhhhh," he silenced me, "just enjoy what I'm about to do to you." He looked at me seductively before kissing my inner thighs under my skirt. He made me shiver all over when he did this. I felt him move my panties to the side and he was leaning in ever so slowly to taste my womanhood.

"Hey (y/n) wake up!!"
I awoke with a start, I sat up panting heavily and I was drenched in sweat, my heart nearly leaping from my chest.
A dream... I thought to myself, it was all just a dream...
"(Y/n) are you awake?!" I heard Ritsu call from downstairs, "Dinner is ready so come on!"
"Yeah I'll be down soon!" I replied. That dream real. Lately, it seemed, I had been thinking of Reigen in more of a sexual manner than just romantically. A part of me felt guilty but another part loved got me off sometimes. He turned me on and eventually I stopped trying to subdue the thoughts I was having. I convinced myself that every girl does it, don't they? I grabbed my phone and was ready to call my best friend, (b/f/n), and tell her about my dream when I stopped. Dinner was ready and I really didn't want to be interrupted in the middle of my conversation with her. I decided to call after I ate, she's the only person who knows about my crush on Reigen. She encourages me to make a move on him but I've already explained my concerns with the age gap and what he'll think of me. I set my phone on the table and head downstairs to join my family.

My Love For You { Reigen Arataka x Reader }Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant