The New Job

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I was in the middle of venting to Dimple about how embarrassed I was about the whole ordeal down in the kitchen, how I probably could never face Reigen ever again when my phone rang. I wiped my tears and looked to see who was calling, "Oh God! Oh no! It's Reigen!" I look at Dimple, "What do I do?!"

"Just calm down (y/n), I'm sure everything is fine. Just answer the phone and hear what he has to say."

I gulp, scared as to what Reigen could possibly have to say to me after everything that happened downstairs.
I answer the phone, "uh...hello?"
"(Y/n)! Hey! I was hoping I could ask you something!"
"Yeah...sure. Go ahead."

I listen to what Reigen wanted to ask me and I'm pretty shocked when he's done.
"You work for you?"
He sounds as cheerful as ever, "Of course! You're an Esper too aren't you? I know you can see Dimple at the very least!"

It's true I am an Esper. I'm not quite as strong as Mob but, I'd say I'm probably stronger than Ritsu. You could say I'm the happy medium. I don't really use my ability often though, I just don't find a use for it usually. I think it over, "I think...that would be fun maybe. Working for you, I mean. It would be something to do."
"Awesome! Can you come by tomorrow? We'll start right away!"

I blushed a little, I can't believe I'll be working for Reigen, alongside him even! "Tomorrow is great, I'll see you then."
We both said goodbye and hung up.

"So...what happened?" I forgot that Dimple was still in the room with me.
"Reigen wants me to work with After what happened today I didn't think he'd want to see me." I grinned a little, I couldn't help it, I was so excited.

"So wait," Dimple said, his expression turning serious, "You'll be working. With Reigen. In his office?"
"Well I mean...yeah. Where else?" I didn't quite understand what he was getting at.
"No, (y/n), listen to me. Working. Alone. With Reigen. In his office..."
I raised an eyebrow, I still didn't understand.
Dimple sighed, "Your dream! That happened in your dream!"

My eyes went wide and I gasped, "No way! That'll never happen for real! Reigen is Reigen and I' It just won't work."

"Whatever you say. I still don't understand what you see in him."

I shrugged and after that Dimple left. I was all alone in my room now. I can't wait for tomorrow, I'll get to spend time with Reigen and there's a purpose for it so it's not weird! I just hope things aren't awkward, they didn't seem that way on the phone though.
I laid down to go to sleep, grinning as I slowly drifted off.

My Love For You { Reigen Arataka x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now