I Feel Like I Can Love Again

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As soon as dinner was finished I quickly went back upstairs to call (b/f/n). I eagerly waited for her to answer the phone, on the third ring she answered, "Hey what's up?"
I restrained myself from squealing, "Guess what? I just had the best dream with Reigen in it!"
I hear her gasp over the phone, "No way, really?! Tell me all the details, I'm dying to hear this."
I went into depth about my steamy dream with Reigen, (b/f/n) hung onto every word. When I had finished my story I sighed, "I really like him,you know?... it's nice because I haven't really cared about someone like this in a long time. I just...I want him so bad. Physically...emotionally...I want all of him."
(B/f/n)'s voice was sweet and sincere through the phone, "I'm really glad you care about someone like this. I know before you were...struggling with things and how to deal with everything. This guy seems like a complete dork but I really think he's good for you."
I looked down and sighed heavily, "Yeah man, me too. It wasn't a great place for me before. I never want to go back there."
I'm the type of person who loves really hard, when I'm with someone I fall for them so deeply that it hurts. I once loved a guy but he had messed me up pretty bad, he cheated on me and it killed me inside. I fell down the rabbit hole of terrible coping mechanisms. I couldn't eat or sleep properly, eventually I started looking for affection in anyone who'd give it to me. I'd sleep with someone just so I didn't have to think about what happened, I hated it. I never wanted to be with them, I never got pleasure out of it. The only reason I did it was because I just didn't want to think about my broken heart.

Tears filled my eyes as I started thinking about my past. I felt dirty and used up knowing who I used to be. I eventually moved on and with Reigen I believe I've learned how to love again. Not only do I care about him, I'm grateful to him as well.
"(Y/n)? I hear you sniffling. Don't do this to yourself. Nothing is your fault...you were in a dark place back then. You've come so far and I'm proud of you."
I wipe my tears and smile, "I have the greatest friend in the world," I tell her, "thank you for not judging me. You're the best and I'm lucky to have you."
"Well that's why I'm here! Now I still stand by what I said, I think you should just ask Reigen out! Don't you want to see if you can make your dream come true?" She says in a sly tone.
"No way! I refuse! All I am to him is Mob's bigger sister. Nothing more than that, I couldn't possibly make a move on him."
(B/f/n) sighs loudly, "What is it they say? You miss all the shots you don't take or something like that? Ponder that for a while. I get you're scared but I still stand by what I say. Regardless though, I'll back you up always! Oh damn is that the time? I gotta go (y/n), I have to run to the store before it closes tonight, I'll message you tomorrow though, okay?"
"Alright, thanks for listening. We'll chat soon, have a good night and I love you!!"
"No I love you!!" She replied, and with that we both hung up.

I laid back against the pillows, "Miss all the shots you don't take, huh?"

"So what was all that about?" I look up and notice Dimple with a smug look plastered across his face.

Well shit.

My Love For You { Reigen Arataka x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now