The Truth Is Out

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For the next couple of weeks I sort of avoided going to the Spirits and Such Consultation Office. I guess I'm just a wimp and don't have the courage to face Reigen at the moment. I'm probably overthinking it all but I always let my emotions get the better of me.

This morning I sat up in bed and stretched, I'm wearing my crop top and panties so I throw on some pants before going downstairs. As I walk into the kitchen I notice Ritsu, Dimple, Mob, and....Reigen sitting at the table. Mob and Ritsu smile at me as I walk in, "Morning, (y/n)! I hope you slept well last night."
Reigen turns around to face me, "Oh hey, have you been feeling better lately? I know you were stressed a few weeks ago."
I look and notice that Dimple is raising his eyebrows as he grins deviously at me.
I blush lightly, "Uh yeah...thanks Reigen I'm doing better I guess. What are you doing here? I don't think you've ever done a house call before." I ask as I turn to start making breakfast for myself.
Reigen leaned back in his chair, "I just thought I'd stop by and talk with Mob about a new case were working on soon. It's gonna be a big one"
"Oh that's great you guys" I said kindly, it was painfully obvious that Reigen was a fraud when it came to his spirit business. However, he seemed to be a good influence on Mob for the most part and I knew that, even though my brother got frustrated at times, he really enjoyed working with him."
Mob perked up a bit "Oh hey, speaking of which master I wanted to ask you something."
Reigen was looking down, flipping through a random magazine that was on our kitchen table, "Yeah Mob? What's that?" He asked without looking up. "(Y/n) said that she," he put up his hands to show air quotes, " Wanted it from you. In the office one night, alone. Perhaps on the desk or sofa" my heart sank into my stomach, my eyes went wide. "She seems to want to learn from you just like I do! I was hoping that maybe she could work with us too so you could teach her some things." Mob continued, incredibly oblivious to everything he just said. I was frozen in place, I'm pretty sure my heart stopped. Ritsu, Reigen, and Dimple just stared at me. I turned around ever so slowly, I saw that Reigen's mouth dropped open, next to him Dimple was trying to hide his laughter. poor little brother who actually understood what Mob had said, stared at me in disbelief. Mob looked between all of us, "Huh? What's going on? Did I say something wrong?" I looked at Mob and found the courage to speak, "M-mob where did you hear all of that?" I wanted to cry but I think I was still in shock. With a smile on his face Mob replied, "Well, a couple weeks ago when you were on the phone I heard you say it. So I figured I could talk to master but I had forgotten about it until now" Mob just sat there and smiled, he looked so innocent, he had no idea because he thought he was doing me a favor. I couldn't be mad at him, well maybe I was but I couldn't tell in that moment, I think the amount of shock I was feeling numbed me to my other emotions. I looked at Reigen, what do I say? Do I say anything? Do I play it off like Mob misinterpreted what I said? How would I even pull that off? I mustered up what I could, "I uh...I'm gonna go was great seeing you again Reigen..." He watched as I walked out as quickly as I could, " was great seeing you too, (y/n). " I wanted to run up the stairs but I didn't want them, moreso Reigen, to know I was running away. I tried to keep my normal pace until I got to my room. As the shock subsided my whole body started to shake in...what? Fear? Anger? Embarrassment? Probably a little of all three. I sunk to the floor and couldn't help but sob as quietly as I could so no one heard me and came to check to see if I was alright. I've never handled embarrassment well but this was a whole new playing field. I was scared. What will he think of me after this? God, he probably thinks I'm some creep talking and fantasizing about him like that. I'm just some girl. The sister of his employee. A nobody.

At that moment Dimple floated into the room, "Hey (y/n), do you...want to talk?"

My Love For You { Reigen Arataka x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now