I Hate You

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Reigen's POV

(y/n) was upset with me, that much was clear. I probably hurt her with what I said before. Shit! What if I was wrong this whole time...maybe what Mob heard was the truth, maybe she did like me. I probably killed her inside. Not only did I reject her, I called her a kid while I was at it. She probably feels like that's all I see her as! That's not true! I care about her, I really do. I want her safe and at that club I know she's not. It's known to have shady things happening there. I turn on my heels and runs as quick as possible towards the club she's at. "Please nothing happen to her!" When I finally arrive at the club I burst through the doors looking for her. Finally, I spot her at the bar, drink in hand, "(y/n)!
She turns around and spots me

(Y/n)'s POV

I'm at the bar, sipping another drink which I've already had a couple of. Honestly, I hate drinking but it does loosen me up to talk to strangers and go home with them. "(Y/n)!" What the hell? I think to myself, looking around the bar to see who called my name. "(Y/n)!!" I turn around and see Reigen making his way to me through the thick crowd. He runs up to me, panting like a dog with his hands on his knees. "Reigen?" I ask, shocked to see him here, "Why are you here right now? Go home." Reigen finally catches his breath, "No, I'm not going until you go home too. It's not safe here for you." I glare at him, "You know what, Reigen?" I say, setting my drink on the bar behind me, "I don't care if this place isn't safe. I'm staying here until I get what I need. Now go home!"

"Wait...need? What do you need here?" Furrowing my brows at him I say, "If you really want to know, I'm getting fucked tonight. I don't care by who as long as it takes all the stress and everything away. Because you know what? The guy I love is too fucking dense to even notice how I feel about him!" I'm so riled up, I reach for my drink behind me to take another sip, I'm already tipsy as it is but I still want more. Suddenly, Reigen knocks the cup from my hands. "Reigen! What the hell is up with you! Why would yo- ahhhh!" Reigen lifts me and puts me over his shoulder, carrying me out of the club. I squirm as much as I can but he has an iron grip on me. It's hot honestly, I start to get wet as I've never seen this side of him. It's so...manly. Once we're outside he puts me down, "I'm not letting you do shit like that to yourself. You're going home right now and you're going to stay there. What would Mob think if he knew that THIS is what you do when you get upset? He'd be scared out of his mind that his sister is putting herself into dangerous situations like that!"

At that moment it starts pouring outside the club, it was already a cold day to begin with so the rain feels freezing. Reigen stares down at me and I can tell he's angry. He's angry, though? What in the living hell does HE have to be angry about? I'm about to boil over in rage, I want to scream at him, hit him, I fucking hate him. I turn and try to walk away before I lose it, I don't care about the cold or the rain or finding a dry place to stay, I just want to be away from him.

Reigen grabs my arm and that was it for me, I push him away as hard as I can, "Let me the fuck go, Reigen! Who the hell do you think you are!? You're not my dad!" I can feel tears streaming down my face now and my cheeks are heating up, "You're so damn dense that you can't even see how much I care about you! And oh 'you're not what I want at all?' That's fine but leave me alone! Despite popular belief I'm not a fucking kid! I can sleep with someone if I want and it's no one's business! Not yours, not Mob's, not Ritsu's, not even fucking Dimple's! You're a grade-A asshole, Reigen Arataka!"
I can't help but let all my emotions out. My hurt and my sadness is coming out as anger, I look at Reigen and he's staring at me wide eyed and mouth agape. I turn and walk briskly away from him.
How can I ever recover from this?

My Love For You { Reigen Arataka x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now