Chapter 5: Byrne, 1976

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Chapter 5: Byrne, 1976

"As with most other aspects of human behavior, the study of sexuality is largely a product of the present century. Unlike most other behaviors, however, matters having to do with sex are burdened with taboos, anxieties, legal restrictions, and the prevailing notion that such investigations are somehow not quite respectable."

Byrne, D. (1976). Social Psychology and the Study of Sexual Behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 3(1), 3–30. doi: 10.1177/014616727600300102



Thursday, the day after the UPSA research mixer, I show up to Dr. Hall's class with a ball of strange excitement coiled in my gut.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't replay our conversation from yesterday evening over several times in my head since it happened.

Of course, somehow my motor competencies failed me and I knocked his coffee over like the world's biggest klutz. Thankfully, he wasn't too pissed about it.

I shouldn't have flirted with him like that.

And he really shouldn't have flirted back.

Is it the sex part that interests you, or the development part?

A thrill rushes down my spine at the memory of it.

I get to class a few minutes early and take my seat near the front. It was a long morning of lit review for my thesis and I have scientific papers coming out of my ears. Thank God for on-campus Starbucks and afternoon caffeine.

Dr. Hall strides in at around 1:53, and as he walks towards the instructor's podium, he glances in my direction and we catch each other's gazes and he gives me a small, crooked grin of acknowledgment that I swear makes the hair at the back of my neck stand up.

According to the syllabus and the notes he posted, today's lecture is about research methods to study human sexual behaviour. Normally I find the methodology behind experimentation to be the driest part of psychology but somehow I imagine that this is going to be... interesting.

I was going to email to clarify whether or not our discussion groups are pre-set but... wouldn't it just be easier to ask him in person?

So before Hailey gets here I walk up to the front of the desk. He flits his gaze up from his computer screen, raises an eyebrow, looks pointedly at the cup in my hand and quips, "Five foot splash zone when you're carrying hot beverages, Mitchell."

Ha. Ha. "That's a shame."

Something dark flashes across the rich amber brown of his eyes before he asks, "So what's up?"

"Just wondering if our discussion groups are pre-set, or if we get to choose who we work with."

"You can pick your own group as long as you stick with it for the term."

"Okay, thanks."

He fiddles with the computer and I'm about to turn around to head back to my seat when he says, "Try to pay attention in class today, Layla. Instead of... visualizing." His voice is dry and low with just the vaguest hint of mischief lurking behind it.

Maybe if you looked less yummy I wouldn't spend half the class imagining you on top of me.

"I assure you that whatever I'm busy thinking about relates to the subject material, Dr. Hall."

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