The Reveal

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They get information from the Village Chief and the Elders that she went North to the Scottish lowlands, they receive a letter that is signed, 'Lillie Colt' when they were in an inn. They meet this person in a bar across the road and they see a woman sitting by herself.

They walk over to her and the Witch Hunter senses something very different from what he expected. 

"Are you Lillie Colt?" the Huntsman asks.

the woman looks up at them and says, "Yes, what do you need?"

In a split second, she understood what was going on. But before she knew it she was on top of the table and couldn't get up because the Huntsman was holding her down, but the Witch Hunter was stood up and held his Dragon scaled sword to the Huntsman's throat.

"Let her get up," he demanded.

The Huntsman lets the lady up off the table. The Witch Hunter gestures her to stay behind him.

"Why would you do this when we are this close to defeating the greatest Sorcerer in the world?" the Huntsman shot back.

"Because this is not the Lillie Colt the king told us to kill. Yes, she is a witch but not the Lillie Colt the king told us to kill" the Witch Hunter explained.

The Huntsman now understands what he was talking about.

Yet still irritated he says, "I am sorry my lady, I didn't think that it was you," 

"It's alright, I should've been more explanatory for you two. Shall we go to draw less attention to our selves?" Lillie Colt asks.

The trio walks out of the bar and into a different place where they could talk in private.

"Who are you really, lasy?"

"I am who I said I was, I am the real Lillie Colt! Who are you two?"

"I am a Witch Hunter, this is Derek, the Huntsman."

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