Deadly Sting

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The Dragon has a poisonous barbed tail that it can make craters in the ground with if it hits it with enough force. The Dragon flies in place before it lands on the ground fifty feet away from the quartet and the two Sorcerers conjures their own spells, the Witch Hunter somehow turns into his Warlock phase and conjures a more powerful spell then both of them.

"How are you doing that?" Elizabeth and Lillie say together.

"Because of this! I was born a Warlock and I kept it a secret from everyone cause they would try and kill me, but I would've laid waste to everything in my path," He pulls out a little stone of sapphire with a Titanium chain for a necklace. 

"But why do you Hunt others with the same kind of powers?" Lillie asks with confusion covering her face.

"A man has to make a living," The Witch Hunter responded 

So the two Sorceress' and the Warlock cast their spells, the Dragon jumps and starts to soar across them, Derek fires a shot at it but it deflects off of it's thick, hard scales. They fire one after another after another, but nothing works. It starts to circle them to try and draw out an opening.

Everything they shoot and cast will deflect off of the Dragon's body. And every time they try to attack, it always strikes with its tail, making more or less cover for the quartet of heroes. The Dragon spits a fireball in the center of the area where the quartet were. They then try to run but the Dragon lands in front of them.

"Where do you four think you're going?" he said in a medium, echo toned voice.

The Witch Huntersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें