Return of the King III

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William has his sword raised high above his head, Alexander has accepted his fate. William swings his sword down...but doesn't hit Alexander, instead, he buries it into the floor of the corridor.

"Na till air ais an seo a-rithist." William commands, "Never return here ever again."

"And why should I listen to you? You are nothing but a human mortal," Alexander states.

"Because I do have power over you here, you have nothing you can do here that could harm me," states William as he raises his sword once more to Alexander's throat, intimidating him.

Alexander then starts to back up out of the corridor and then opens his wings and launches himself off the ground and into the air. 

"Tillidh mi! Tha mi do-sheachanta," Alexander says in a menicing tone, "I will return! I am inevitable,"

"Agus nuair a roghnaicheas tu tilleadh, bidh sinn deiseil dhut, agus chan ann mar mathanas." William replies, "And when you do choose to return, we will be ready for you, and not as forgiving."

"Glè mhath," Alexander responds, "Very well,"

Alexander then takes flight towards the horizon. Laoghaire then lies down so she may have a chance to recover from the wounds that were inflicted on her by her own brother Alexander. But then her head jerks upward as in she is trying to hear something better.

Then the rest of the group hear the silent roar that came from deeper in New Slains Castle walls. They then spread out so they can try to find where the source of the sound is coming from. William took the south wing, Elizabeth took the west, Lillie took the east, and Derek took the north tower. 

Eivind is sending out a distress signal for anyone in the area to come to his aid. Laoghaire and Derek found him in the north tower chained to the floor. Laoghaire bellows a roar that could be heard from miles away, the others make their way to the north tower so they may help Laoghaire and Derek set Eivind free from the shackles that bind him to the floor.

Laoghaire slashes with both tail and claw and bites with all her might, she breaks a few chains before finally tiring. William then takes over as he slices and slashes at the chains, also breaking a few before he tires. Lillie and Elizabeth then finish the job with only a couple of spells, then, Eivind stands up spreads his wings out to show them how powerful he is.

"NO, DON'T! PLEASE LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Laoghaire pleads.

"Laoghaire? It cannot be! Is it really you?" Eivind asks.

"It is, father it's me, Laoghaire, it's been so long since I've seen you,"

"I have waited so long to see you again, Laoghaire!" Eivind states

The two embrace in a hug and rub their faces on each others necks in affection. They then fly over the Castles Maze taking them at least two days to get across so that way Laoghaire and Eivind could help Isla escape her prison.

After two days they reach Isla, Eivind slashes at the chains while Laoghaire spits fire onto the chains so it makes it easier for Eivind to smash through the chains. After hours of fire and molten chain flying away from the impacts.

Isla rises onto her rear feet and spreads her wings, Eivind follows standing on his rear feet and spreading his wings. Both Isla and Eivind give off a deafening roar to show that they are the Alphas of New Slains Castle.

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