The True King

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The four of them continue on their way to the castle and they find themselves at the gates of a Maze. It is riddled with traps, Trolls, and Dragons who turned on their Queen. They approach with extreme caution.

"WHO wishes to pass thy gates, into thy kingdom?!" Bellows someone or something in the watchtower.

"We wish to pass through the gates so we ay get to Castle New Slain so we may restore the true king of this country!" Laoghaire demands.

"No one has passed through these gates for over a hundred years. What makes you think that I will just let you pass?" the mysterious voice asks.

"Because we are going to go through whether you let us or not!" Laoghaire states.

Laoghaire slashes at the gate which falls apart on impact. The three continue but something swoops down onto Laoghaire pinning her to the ground. Laoghaire grabs the creature by the throat with her talons and throws him aside.

Laoghaire then spits fire onto the creature. The creature roars in pain and flies away roaring in agony, in suffering. It turns out that the creature was a Hydra and will be back again. Laoghaire then continues with the rest of them and they are now in the Maze in which they wished so dearly.

They get a little bit farther into the Maze and then they come across a Troll. Lillie enchants one of Derek's arrows so that way once it hits it will kill it on impact. Derek fires the arrow, it hits the Troll right in the chest and it starts to disintegrate in less then ten seconds it is gone, all that was left was the club it was holding onto when it was hit.

Elizabeth lift's it up and they continue underneath the tree trunk of a club and Elizabeth also walks underneath it and lets it fall to the ground. They then continue deeper into the Maze and facing more than one foe. They have killed more than fifteen Trolls, warded off more than thirty Dragons, and gotten through fifteen or more traps that are more ferocious than you could ever imagine.

It took more time than expected because they were in the Maze for more than a week because they would have to keep retracing their steps that is how many times they would get lost int the Maze. 

After what seemed like ages they finally pass through the mighty Maze of New Slains Castle. They continue to the castle wall, they look to their left, and to their right. Then the three hear a commotion that was being caused by Laoghaire hitting the wall her tail.

The third time she struck the wall it effortlessly went through the wall.

"It's an illusion! Trickery of the mind," Lillie says.

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