my sleep deprivation isn't a problem maybe

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So I have really bad insomnia and I have to take pills for it but I don't. So, for the very first time in my life, it's catching up to me. I don't feel tired ever. So it was very difficult to stay awake these past few days. I almost missed school because I couldn't be woken up. I almost cracked my head open when I feel asleep in class cuz I was leaning back in my chair and fell. I almost drowned in my bathtub because I fell asleep and only woke up because my sister started banging on the door. It's been hard on me, I don't know how you people deal with it. It's also very strange because it seemed to happen out of nowhere. I normally only got two hours of sleep before, but now I require 8 to function properly. It's horrible! I hate it.

Well, my doctor said I should just try and get on a proper sleeping schedule but I can't! I do all of my most important things at night. I'm most productive at three in the morning, now I have to be productive at three in the afternoon! I'm so out of it all of the time now. I used to be a straight A student, now my highest grade is a C! Oh and did I mention I now have a sleep timer? I'm only allowed ten minutes after 9:00p.m before I have to be asleep. They say that like control when I sleep. My insomnia chooses when I sleep not me! I can't just lay my head down and sleep, first I've gotta do something pointless for 3 hours, than read a book, get comfortable, close my eyes for a few seconds, open them, close them for a seconds, and repeat this process 'till I fall asleep!

Anyways, that's all I have to go to bed now.
Kay bye, no quadruple e I'm not in the mood.

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