skeet skeet part 2

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So, I'm becoming my best friend. It's strange, but true. Everything I like, she likes, and vis versa. It's freaky (lmao, true literature masterpiece here.) We started off as nice aqaintances, friends with a mutual friend. We weren't super close, we all happened to have the same lunch periods, we had other friends, but they had different lunches, we sort of knew each other and it stuck. We had a lot of the same interests without even knowing, we had the same phone, hairstyle, we even had the same brand of leggings! It was seriously weird. I was originally closer to our mutual friend, and she was too, so when she got super sick in November, we had to talk, practically forced to communicate. We sat next to eachother in 3 classes, the only classes we had together. I swear to God, I mentioned some quote that santana said from glee, I didn't even say where it was from, or who said it, I just said it, and she knew where it was from! She very often talked about her love of Gilmore Girls, and she never said it directly, she just said, I really like jess and rory, better than logan and rory. And I was like, omg you watch GG, and she said it was her favorite show! Like it's seriously insane how unnaturally similar we are. Anyways, I just thought I'd write ab it, and, what better place than in a book about things that don't actually matter!
Kay, bye

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