I promise I'm not this dramatic all the time maybe

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I have a confession

I've never had a Reese's cup. I know, the horror. I've been living with this life long secret for many year's, yet to be told to even the closest of friends. I have lost bonds for this thing. All these years, the journey's I've embarked on, the friendships I've made and lost over this thing, the one thing standing between me and impending doom, a reese's cup. I know my horrible deed will not go unpunished. You may sever my arms, take me from my family, destroy the place I once called home, and even make me eat a papaya, but you will never, ever make me eat a reese's cup. Just the thought of the disgusting peanut butter located in the core of the candy, makes my blood curl... I have never eaten one, and I live by that. I am ready to never talk to some of you fellow wattpadians over this thing, if I can even call myself that, for all of this, I am sorry, but my beliefs are still, goodbye.

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