~x~ Chapter 3 - Acceptance ~x~

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~Shigaraki's POV~

    After we walked for a little longer we got to the U.A. gates. "Now how do we get in?" Dabi asked. "I don't know, I didn't think into that much detail," I said.
    "I know! I can text the cute girl I was talking about!" Toga said and pulled out her phone. I then looked over her shoulder and watched her type.


Uraraka! I need your help!


Wha..? What u mean?

I'm at the front gates! Me, my 3 friends, the 2 I told you about, and another person! We need you to let us in!

Okay! I'll be there in 5 minutes! But why do you need to get in?

My friends and I know one of the teachers and we think he'll help us!

That's a great idea!


I am now out of the dorms and I'm running to the gates!

I see you! Wow, you're fast!

Thanks! I took track in middle school!


    "Hi- *Pant* I'm here-! *pant* Let me- whew um, let me open the gate hold on." Uraraka said while panting. "Thank you so much!" Toga said, and as soon as the gates open she gave the girl a quick hug.
    "Um, why are you wearing mittens?" Dabi asked. "Wha- oh! My quirk makes it so I can make things float, so I wear these so I don't make myself float in my sleep!" Uraraka explained.

    "They're so cute! And very pink!" Toga said while holding Uraraka's pink kitty mittens with white heart pads. "Aww, that's super cute," I said standing next to Toga.
    "Thanks! Anyways you guys should go soon, the teacher's dorm is past the student's dorms and about 7 minutes away, and I know that some kids wake up around this time to start their training, so you should go soon if you don't wanna run into anyone." Uraraka explained. "Thank you so much. Your kindness is really appreciated." I said and gave her a hug. She hugged back and made me smile.

    "Yay! We're all friends now!" Toga said as I pulled away from the heartfelt hug.
    "I didn't know you were only like a foot taller than me, I thought you were way taller. How old are you?" Uraraka asked. "16," I said. "Wow! I thought you were older. But anyways you guys should really go now. See you tomorrow?" Uraraka asked. "I hope so!" Toga said and started skipping off towards the dorms.
    "Same here," Dabi said, and then he and twice followed after Toga. "Um, ditto what he said!" I said quickly and ran after the three.

    After 2 minutes of walking, Toga sighed dramatically. "She is hot, cute, and she likes girls! But she already likes someone. Why does life hate me?" Toga ranted in a whisper.

    "Maybe you're the girl she likes. Ever think of that?" Dabi asked. "She doesn't! She said her crush doesn't like hero stuff!" Toga whisper/yelled.
    "Was that before or after you told her you don't wanna be a villain?" Dabi asked. "Before-! Ohhh~... but there's a lot of other people that don't like hero stuff. So it's probably not me." Toga said.
    "But it might. You never know. Just give her flirtatious comments, and based on her reaction you'll get your answer." I explained. "How do you know it'll work?" Toga asked. "Let me show you an example.." I said smiling, and then I turned my attention to Dabi.

    "Hey hottie, you're looking fine today," I said in my most elegant voice. His face then turned a bright red and he choked on air. "The fuck-! Why did you say that to me?! Why not ask Toga to say it to you?!" He whisper/shouted.
    "Because I want to embarrass you for calling me hot earlier. Payback." I explained, while Toga giggled, and twice cracked a smile. "Not. Fair." Dabi mumbled, making me laugh a little.
    I looked back at Toga and smiled. "And that's how it's done, based on what his reaction was I'm guessing he has a small crush on someone but not enough for him to not be flustered by other guys. So if Uraraka reacts that way, then you still have a chance." I whispered with a smile. "Thank you, and look. We made it." Toga said while pointing at a building.

    "Let's just go in already and see what he says," Dabi mumbled, his face still holding a small blush. "Yeah, but you guys stay here with our stuff. I want to talk to him alone." I said. "Okay, be careful." Toga said. "Yeah, and don't get caught by anyone," Dabi said. "I won't," I said and then walked inside.
    Once I was inside I saw the kitchen light on, and I ducked below the counter, I then heard a few people talking about the students.

    "-I definitely agree! That messy ash blond-haired teen is definitely not straight." I heard all might say. "I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed! He is so oblivious to the fact, and probably doesn't even know it himself!" Present mic said.

    Do all teachers/heroes gossip about their students? Or just the idiot ones?

    I then saw another person walk into the room. "Could you guys please just talk about this tomorrow, it's almost 1 am," Aizawa said. "Sorry, babe! Did we wake you?" Present mic asked.
    "No, I was up grading papers and heard you guys talking," Aizawa said. "Okay, that's good! Anyways I'm gonna head to bed now, goodnight babe!" Present Mic said (yelled) before he gave Aizawa a quick kiss and headed upstairs.

    "I'm off too, see you in the morning." All might said and walked up the other stairs. "God I hate how loud they are," Aizawa mumbled.
    "Ok, now is a good time to show myself." I thought and got out from under the counter.

    Aizawa was facing the other way, making coffee and couldn't see me. "What should I do to get his attention? Talk? Cough? Maybe clear my throat? Yeah, I'll clear my throat." I thought before clearing my throat.
    Aizawa spun around and grabbed his scarf, but when he saw me his eyes widened, he let go of his scarf and hugged me.

    "I missed you," Aizawa mumbled, tears started to stream down my face, as I hugged back and cried. "I missed you too," I mumbled into his clothes.

    After a few minutes of hugging, I pulled away. "You.. you said you'd always forgive me right?" I asked. "Of course. I would never lie to you." He said, smiling. And at that moment all my feelings came out.
    "I-I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have ran away! I was just so scared! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! And I shouldn't have joined the league, I'm sorry!" I cried out.

    "No, I'm sorry. I should've told you that I'd always forgive you before that happened, instead of assuming you knew. It's my fault." He explained, making me feel a little it better.
    "I.. I need to tell you something, and asked you something." I mumbled, "What is it?" He asked. "Me and a few of my friends, we ran away from the league. We don't wanna be villains anymore, we never wanted to be in the first place.
    So, I was wondering if we could stay with you? There's four of us, and we all feel like we don't belong there." I explained. "I'll need to tell the others about you guys. Other than that, of course, you can stay." Aizawa said while smiling at me.

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