~x~ Chapter 6 - Having emotions is human ~x~

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~Dabi's POV~

    "Shiggs is still in the bathroom. I hope he's okay. I know I've never said it out loud, but I really care about him. I just wanna see him okay and happy." I thought while still styling Himiko's hair.

    "Okaaay! Annnnd... done!" I said. "Yay! Thanks, bro!" Toga said before hugging me.

    "Wow, that's really nice Dabi. Where did you learn how to do hair like that?" Midnight asked with a curious smile.
    "Hm? Oh.. I learned when I was little. My mother didn't know to do hair for my sister, and my father never cared. So I would always do her hair in the mornings." I explained while smiling at the memories I have of my sister.

    "The same sister I left alone with that bastard." I thought, as my mouth faded from a smile to a frown.

    "I miss her," I said sadly. "Hey! Turn that frown upside down mister! Your sister is happy and unharmed. And hopefully, if the pros let us, we can say hi!" Toga said while pulling away from our hug, that I just realized we were still having.
    "You're right. She's happy and unharmed, that's all that matters." I said as my smile returned.

    "Aww! Your guys' relationship is so cute! Are you two romantically together?" Thirteen asked.
    Toga and I shared glances before bursting out with laughter.

    "Haha! No no! Were just best friends!" I said while still laughing. "Yep! And he's the 3rd gayest person I know!" Toga said though giggles.

    "Wait third? Who's 1st and 2nd then?" I asked after I finally stopped laughing.
    "2nd is clearly mister sleep-deprived over there. Yep, I see the way look at Present Mic." Toga said with a sly tone as Eraserhead rolled his eyes and Present Mic blushed like crazy. "Hehe! And the 1st is totally Shiggy." Toga giggled out.

    "Oh great. Not only are they murderers, but they're homosexuals. Even more reasons to throw them in jail!" Vlad King shouted. Which offended almost everyone since they have some connections to the LGBTQ+ community.

    "Oh great! Not only is he a bitch, but he's also a dumbass homophobic! Even more, reasons to throw him in jail!" Toga repeated with anger laced in her tone.

    "Excuse me you're on thin ice here, villain!" Vlad King shouted at Toga. Pushing the other heroes over the limit, "No, sir! You are! You're being a rude, disrespectful, unprofessional, bitch! And you need to shut the fuck up!" Yelled Thirteen. "Yeah!" All might agreed.

    Midnight stood up and glared at Vlad King, "These, if you haven't noticed already, are kids. They made a bad decision a long time ago and got stuck with it. But now look where they are, asking for our help! So you being a little bitch and judging them, is only making this situation worse." Midnight paused, "Also! Shouldn't someone check on Tenko? The poor boy has been in there for a while."

    "I'll do it," Eraserhead said before walking to the bathroom door, opening it, and shutting it behind him as he walked in.

    "Okay now that that's being solved." The principal trailed off before continuing. "Vlad King. If your disrespectful behavior continues then I won't hesitate to revoke you from your position as a teacher here at U.A."
    Vlad King was about to retaliate but was interrupted by a scream. A scream of pain, not physical but mental pain.

    A scream that to everyone who heard it made their hearts sink. A scream that came from the bathroom, no... a scream that came from the child that's in that bathroom. A scream I thought I'd never hear again.

    "Tenko!" I shouted before running into the bathroom and seeing something that hurt me.

~Shigaraki's POV, before Aizawa sensei left to check on him~

    I sat there, my eyes blurred from crying, blood dripping down my chin, my throat sore from coughing, and looking at the flowers that had just recently come out of my mouth. My body quivered and ached, and all I could do was accept the pain and wait until it was over. Until it was all over, until the flower, that's crushing my lungs, finally finishes me off and kills me. Leaving my dead body in beautiful white and gold flowers growing from my body.

    But until then, I'm stuck with pain and suffering. Begging for it to finally kill me.

~ I would like to add that Tomura isn't dying right now. He's just being a bit overdramatic. Yes, he is in a lot of pain. Yes, He wants the disease to kill him faster. But he is also just an overdramatic little bean. ~

    I heard a sharp gasped coming from behind me. I turned around, afraid of who it might be. But to my luck, it was just Aizawa sensei.
    "Oh my," Aizawa mumbled, sitting down next to me and rubbed my back. "I-It hurts! I just want it t-to go away-ay!" I cried out.

    "I know. I know, Tenko. But you're strong, and can fight this." Aizawa said. "No! I can't! I can't! It hurts too much! I can't!" I yelled as more tears went down my face.
    "Yes, you can. You can get through this." Aizawa said. "N-No! I-I.." I said before choking on my sobs.

    "You can." Aizawa paused, "Just let the pain out." I sniffled and looked at him confused. "W-What do you mean?" I asked.
    "Let it out. Put all your feelings and pain together and scream them out." Aizawa said. "I-I'm not doing that." I stuttered out.

    "Trust me. It helps. Just let it all come out." Aizawa said. "O-Okay." I agreed. I took a deep breath as Aizawa closed his eyes to prepare himself.
    I opened my mouth and screamed at the top of my lounges. Once I stopped I started to cry, not holding back.

    Aizawa pulled me closer to him and held me in his arms as I cried my heart out into his chest.

~Dabi's POV~

    Seeing Tenko on the floor crying and evidently in pain, hurt me and made me confused at the same time. What had happened that made this scene so heartbreaking to watch?

    "Tenko," I muttered before looking at Eraserhead, "What happened? Is he okay?" I asked. "I'm fine," Tenko mumbled, his head still buried into Aizawa's chest. "No, you're not fine," I said.
    Tenko stayed quiet as he removed his head from on Aizawa's chest. Keeping his head low Tenko muttered a quiet response, "I know. I'm sorry, I'm an emotional mess right now."

    "Hey, you don't need to apologize. Having emotions is a part of being human." I said, putting my hands on his shoulders. "Got that?" I asked to make sure he understood.
    Tenko nodded his head but still kept his head down.

    Eraserhead looked at me and smiled. It was small but noticeable. "He is a bit shaken up, but he'll be alright. He just needed a moment to.. Express, his emotions."

    "I guess that answers my questions then," I said. "Thanks".

    Eraserhead nodded in response before standing up off the floor and patting Tenko's head. "I'm going to go tell the others Tenko's alright. You two can stay here for a while if you'd like to." Eraserhead explained.

    "..Okay then," Tenko said, his head still staying low until he shot his head up and turned toward Eraserhead. Tenko's hand covering part of his own face.
    "Oh- wait. Can we- um, talk about the thing later? I have some questions about it that I think you might be able to answer."

"Of course. We'll talk later this afternoon, after my classes."

    "I totally forgot he was a teacher." I thought to myself as Eraserhead walked out of the bathroom.

"Dabi?" Tenko said.


     "I think, I think there's something wrong with me." He muttered. Sounding like he's on the verge of tears.
    "What? No, there's nothing wrong with you. Why would you think that?" I asked.

    Tenko paused for a moment, before lifting his head up and looking at me. I gasped and whispered, "Oh my god."
    Tenko started crying quietly,  "I was right. I can feel it there." He said, before bringing his hand up to touch the literal fucking gold and white flower on his cheekbone.

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