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Don't Run Our Hearts Around ~ Black Mountain

It has been two weeks since the havoc caused by the nogitsune. Two weeks since we lost two of our pack to death and two more left, unable to deal with the grief of those deaths. It has been a hard two weeks. The younger members of the pack still hurt. I understand their grief. Losing a member of your pack is like losing a piece of yourself. The pain will always be there. No matter how many years pass. I know this well. But the pain is slowly ebbing, thanks to Jordan.

Jordan and I have been dating for the past two weeks. He's been healing the hole left by Josh's death. I have accepted now that Josh is gone but I will never forget him. He was the first person I ever loved after all. Jordan doesn't know about us. He doesn't know what I am or what I can do. I hope I can do a better job at keeping him safe from that knowledge, that burden, than I did with Anna. But he suspects something is strange about Beacon Hills. Noah told me that Jordan and two other deputies were attacked along with him when Void tried to kill everyone the pack cared about. It scares me that he almost died that night.

But that isn't the worst of it. When I didn't hear from Derek after his usual three days, Scott and I went to the loft to check on him. Only to find bullet casings all over the floor, although the alarm was on and nothing seemed to be amiss. I know the seal on the casings. And I'm terrified for Derek. I'm terrified that the Calaveras will kill him. I'm really hoping that Derek hasn't been missing the entire time. We're searching for him, but going to Mexico, going directly to the Calaveras, might be the only choice we have to find out Derek's fate. I really don't think I can lose any more pieces of myself.

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