9: A Phoenix Rises

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Dynasty ~ Miia

Concrete Angel ~ Christina Novelli

Underdog ~ The Script

I couldn't sleep and I couldn't understand why. There was a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and I didn't know what my gut was warning me about. I sat up in bed and rubbed my forehead. I got up and went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face, trying to clear my head. I headed back to bed and saw I had a message.

We still on for tonight? The text read.

I smiled. I had made a dinner arraignment with Jordan telling him there was something important I needed to tell him. I had decided that he needed to be the first person I willingly told about me and hoped he wouldn't be too angry at me for keeping it to myself the entire time we'd been together. Anna made plans with the rest of the pack so Jordan and I would have the house to ourselves.

Of course. I replied.

I sat on the bed, trying to remember if I'd ever had a feeling like this before. Then the memory hit me like a freight train. Seven years ago, I'd had the exact same feeling in my gut. The next day, I lost Josh in the Hale fire. I grabbed my phone again and saw he'd sent the text an hour ago. I called Jordan, praying my gut wasn't correct. It rang several times and went to voicemail.

"Jordan, please call me when you get this."

Maybe I was overreacting and Jordan just left his phone at his desk and he was fine. I decided to get dressed and head down to the station to see if I was indeed just overreacting.

"Trish?" Stilinski asked when I arrived. "What are you doing here?"

"Is Jordan here?"

"He's on patrol but he should be back shortly." He then frowned. "Something's not right."

"Is it that obvious?"

He motioned toward his office and he shut the door behind us. "What's wrong?"

"I have this terrible feeling deep in my gut that something is going to happen to Jordan. I can't shake it."

"That's natural, right? Since you two are dating and everything."

"The last time I had a feeling like this eight people died."


"The night before the Hale fire."

"Oh..." Stilisnki frowned.

The door opened and Stiles and Lydia walked in at that moment. "Hey, Dad. You need to hear this." He stopped when he saw me. "Oh, good. You're here too."

"Stiles, this might not be a great time," Stilinski said.

"What's wrong, Trish?"

"I just have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen tonight." I looked over at Stiles. "Distract me."

Stiles and Lydia then laid out their theory about how they thought Lydia's grandmother faked her death and was either helping the Benefactor or was the Benefactor.

"This is a story worth hearing," Stilinski said.

"Wait..." Lydia said suddenly. "Trish, what is the bad feeling you're having?"

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