5: An Intense Game

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Game of Survival ~ Ruelle

Open Your Eyes ~ Disturbed

Rescue ~ Raine Wilder with Svrcina/Tommee Profitt

Nothing is as it Seems ~ Hidden Citizens


I wasn't expecting to see Anna for the rest of the weekend. I knew the pack went to the Martin family's lake house every full moon so Malia could get through it without killing anyone and that they were trying to draw Liam to it so they could explain to him what happened the night before and what was happening to him. Stilinski had called in Jordan to defuse the claymore in the school.

"That the guy?" Jordan asked when he saw what was left of the Mute.

"Yeah," I said. "That's the guy I saw the other night on the roof."

"What happened to him?"

"We, uh, found him like that."

"Parrish," Stilinski called. "Get your gear on and come take care of this thing. Your girlfriend is fine."

I giggled and Jordan smiled.

"Go do your job and don't worry about me so much."

Jordan only smirked. "That's my job as your boyfriend, isn't it?"

I laughed and he went to put on his bomb disposal gear. If he knew about the world I'd been born into, he'd be sick with worry.

The sun had risen by the time I got home. I was surprised to see Anna's car in the garage.

"Anna?" I called when I went inside, throwing my keys into the bowl we kept on a table by the door leading to the garage. "I thought you were going to be at Lydia's all weekend."

She basically tackled me with a hug and I wondered if she had somehow found out about my running with Derek and Stilinski tracking down an assassin. She squeezed me and I hugged her back.

"Um, Anna...?"

"Sissy, we have a big problem."

I didn't have to be an empath to see she was scared and worried at the same time. "What happened? Did Liam or Malia get away from you guys?"

She shook her head. "Worse."

"What's worse than a moon drunk werewolf and coyote?" I kinda wish I hadn't said that out loud now.

Anna responded by pulling out a folded piece of paper from her back jeans pocket. "Lydia unlocked part of that code she wrote not knowing she wrote it." Anna had told me about Malia trying to decipher Lydia's math notes that had turned out to be some sort of code.

I unfolded the paper to find a list of names with a number next to it. I felt like I swallowed a cold rock when I saw most of the pack, including myself and Anna, were on the list. "Why did Lydia have a list of all the supernaturals in Beacon Hills? And what are these numbers for?"

Anna bit her lip. "That's why this is worse than Malia and Liam rampaging. It's not just a list. It's a dead pool."

"Why the hell are you on a dead pool? Why...," I trailed off, my mouth working as I came to a realization. "Oh, God!" I looked back down at the paper.

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