1: A Mexican Adventure

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Can't Go Back ~ Former Vandel

Cayendo ~ Deorro

My Own ~ Whitaker

We waited as Alan examined the photo Scott had just sent him of one of the bullet casings we'd found in the loft. I knew who the skull belonged to. Every Hunter family had its own symbol. The Argents had the fleur-de-leis. The Calaveras had the skull. Fitting really, since their name was also the Spanish word for it.

Trish is right, this is the Calaveras' seal.

I dropped the casing in the coffee can sitting on the kitchen island at Scott's with the others we'd collected.

But I don't see their interest in Derek.

"Derek told me that they caught him and Peter in South America," I said. "They had Talia's claws. They were looking for someone they called La Loba. Neither Derek nor Peter knew who they were talking about."

"Maybe they were looking for Cora," Scott suggested. "Or even Laura."

"Laura would make more sense. If they didn't know she was dead."

"Because she was an Alpha?"

"Because she could actually turn into a wolf. It's pretty rare."

Indeed. Alan agreed. And a family like the Calaveras would feel threatened by her. But only if she gave them a reason to be. As far as I know, Laura was never in their territory.

"But why take Derek? None of us know who this La Loba is."

Trish, I know what you're thinking. It will not be wise to go into her territory unprepared. And just going in there and accusing her of taking Derek will not be good. You have the advantage of not many people knowing what you can do, especially Hunters. Think this through, both of you.

"Thanks, Doc," Scott hung up and looked at me. "Do you think he's still alive?"

I picked up one of the casings out of the can and looked at it. "The loft was full of these, Scott. I don't know how much wolfsbane was pumped into his body with these. I don't even know if he's alive or dead. Araya has to know that you're his Alpha. Stuff like that travels fast in the supernatural world. Especially when a True Alpha rises." I closed my hand around the casing. "There's only one person who could tell us if going to Mexico would be a waste of time."


We waited until Alan was gone for the day before we met at the clinic. Scott opened the door for Anna, Lydia, Stiles, and I. We'd already explained the situation to the others.

"Okay," Stiles said as they walked in. "So how long has it been?"

"A couple of weeks. He's not answering any of my texts," Scott said.

"Has he ever?"

"He answers mine," I said, looking at Stiles. "I've probably called and texted him a hundred times. It's not like him not to call me back or answer with an attitude."

Scott set the can of casings on the table. "When we hadn't heard from him, Trish and I both went to the loft. The alarm was set and everything was how it was supposed to be."

I picked up three of the casings and held them out. "With the exception of these being all over the floor."

Lydia, Stiles, and Anna all took one from my hand and looked at it.

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