Chapter 3

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"You will come again right?"

That was the last word Jungkook heard from the male before he took his step out of the house and it keeps ringing at the back of his ears.

It's already been 4 months since the two met each other. But Jungkook still remember the look on the other's face when he took the last glance before the bus take him away from his sight, the face with a smile but eyes screaming him to not go. He would be the greatest heartless person to go away from the other but he didn't have any choice but to leave. He did promised him that he would come again. But after he came back to his house, he had the most terrifying moment he could ever imagine. He was welcomed by a slap on his right cheek from his father. All these years, he was used to enduring the harsh words from his father but he never used his hands on him... to which he hoped his father, eventhough he scolds him, that at least he still love him as his son. But all his hopes were scattered when his face was colored by the red fingerprints from those rough hands. He couldn't even get the chance to explain himself, not that they would even listen him, but still wanted to tell them he had fun there... for the first time in his life.

He was locked up in his room for 3 days, saying it was his punishment for staying out of the house for one night without telling anyone, then he wasn't allowed to go anywhere.
The smirk on his brother's face, the evil smile on his step mother's lips... then the eyes of his father that never took even a single glance on him when he helplessly stayed inside the house.
After 2 months, his father admitted him to the same University as his brother's, without even asking what he want and what his dreams are.

Those passed days, he didn't do anything much. All he did was studying since that was what his father wanted him to do. He gave up singing, the thing which he loves the most, the only thing that he could enjoy himself, the thing his mother was always fond of. Eventhough he wanted to speak up what he wanted, he couldn't even utter a word in front of his father. One may call him timid for this but that was what he became when he stood in front of his father, eventhough he was the smartest student for his school.

He was sitting inside the luxurious car his father gave him for going to his college, but ofc with a driver. His eyes on the green trees by the sides of the smooth road but his mind was on his another world remembering his first day of college, the day he stepped out of his house, well... more like a hell for him, after 2 months for the first time. He felt like a bird whom the owner just freed from its cage.
But the first thing that came to his mind when the fresh cold wind hit his face was to be able to see the smile of a particular person he longed to meet.

Fashback to Jungkook's first day to go college:

"Can you stop the car please?"

"Why Sir? What happened? Do you need something?"
The driver slowly pulled the break as he stopped the car by the side of the road.

But Jungkook suddenly got down from the car without even bothering to answer the driver and started running towards the familiar bus stop he just saw from the car.
He didn't even understand from where did he get the strength to even ask the driver to stop the car in the middle just to chased after and get on the bus that was already starting to drive away.
He took a seat within his heavy breaths totally ignoring the driver who kept shouting and calling him to come back. He rested his head on the glass window beside him and closed his eyes, hoping the bus would take him to the same place where he could see the boxy smile again.

The bus did brought him to the place he desperately wanted to go. The rusty street lights, the trees by the sides of the quiet street, the smell from the bakery shop by the side, he could remember them all... that means... he already reached there.
He stopped his feet in front of the familiar small house. He could feel his heart pacing up its beats along with every steps he took closer towards the door. He slowly brought up his shaky hand and pressed the door bell as he impatiently wait for the door to open.
For some reason, he imagined what would be the other's reaction if he suddenly show up in front of the door. Would he still remember him like he do? Would he be waiting for him?
His thoughts were interrupted by the opening sound of the wooden door.

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