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Olivia made sure she was on time to help Briar. Even though she'd only known Briar and the others a week, she could tell that Briar liked to be punctual.

When she arrived, Briar was sat in the main studio, setting up her music. Briar turned around when she heard Olivia enter the room.

'Hey Liv,' she called across the room.

'Hey,' Olivia returned.

Olivia made her way over to Briar, who greeted her with a hug, 'I just thought, is it ok for me to call you Liv? I know Tom has a nickname for you and so I guess I just assumed,' Briar said pulling away from the embrace.

'Of course it's ok, I prefer it to Olivia actually. Do you have a nickname I can call you?' Olivia responded, smiling. She was glad Briar felt comfortable enough to use her nickname.

Briar thought for a moment before answering, 'I mean you can call me Bri if you want, or you can make something up.'

'Bri works, it's cute,' Olivia responded. She couldn't really think of anything else to call Briar.

A voice from behind startled them.

'Hey guys,' Jordan called over to them.

'Hey,' Briar and Olivia responded simultaneously.

They began to work of Briar's dance. Olivia finally got to see how talented she was. Obviously they'd danced together in the group dances, but Briar's solo allowed her true ability to show. She was extremely flexible and elegant. Jordan also really surprised her, she was really really flexible, which Olivia thought she should've guessed considering Jordan was mainly an acro dancer.

Jordan and Olivia gave Briar feedback and suggested ideas, and together they adjusted the choreography.

Before they realised it, everyone else showed up for the day.

'Thank you so much, I was having a bit of a creative block. It's been so fun to hang out with you guys,' Briar said to Jordan and Olivia as the other dancers slowly began to enter the studio.

The team had decided to mainly focus on one of the group dances today, as they'd been spending a lot of time on their smaller groups. So once everyone had arrived, they got to work choreographing.


The end of the day neared, and everyone was tired, so not much was happening. Tom was sat with Olivia on their favourite seat - the floor - and they were chatting with the rest of the team.

'Oh, I never showed you my amazing idea,' Tom suddenly said.

Olivia's face lit up, 'oh my god I almost forgot. Let's go now.'

She jumped up and put out her hand to pull Tom up, which he graciously accepted, and then ran off to what they called "their studio", the smaller room at the back of the building.

The rest of the team looked around in confusion, as Tom and Olivia has left without saying anything to them.

'Where'd they go?' Brittany asked.

'No clue,' Harrison replied.

'Maybe to work on their duet?' Jordan suggested.

'Or they've gone to make out.' Lamar said, suggestively, earning a nudge from Briar and a laugh from Taveeta.


'Go on then.' Olivia smiled as they entered the room.

'You're so impatient,' Tom laughed.

'I'm excited,' Olivia opposed.


Tom stepped forward, and placed his hands on Olivia's waist.

'I didn't realise this move included me,' Olivia said, laughing.

'Do you trust me?' Tom asked, looking deep into her eyes.

'Yes, absolutely.' Olivia replied instantly.

Tom smiled at her lack of hesitation and how she didn't break eye contact. He knew she was telling the truth.

He spun Olivia around so her back was facing him, 'Just relax.' He said gently.

Olivia nodded slightly and prepared herself.

Tom lifted her suddenly and extended his arms above his head. She let her neck extend and her head go back, whilst her legs dangled in front of his face. He quickly began to spin around before stopping and lowering Olivia to the ground.

'Wow,' Olivia said, breathlessly, 'that was high.'

'That was my intention,' Tom laughed.

'We could definitely work on my leg and arm positions, but I love your idea Tommy,' Olivia said, thoughtfully.

'Thanks Livvy, I knew you'd like being lifted with my holy-shittable strength,' Tom laughed, causing Olivia to pout.

'Hey, it was a joke,' Tom continued, stepping closer to Olivia.

'I know, I was messing with you,' Olivia smiled.

Tom placed his hand under her chin and raised it until she was looking into his eyes.

She'd never noticed how pretty his chocolate brown eyes were, or how long his eyelashes were.
And he'd never noticed the golden specks dotting her hazel eyes.

As they stared into each other's eyes, Tom began absentmindedly stroking her chin with his fingers. Olivia's face burned up, she was sure she was bright red.

'We should probably go back to the others...' Olivia suggested.

Tom's gaze lingered for a few seconds, 'Yeah... you're right. They're probably worried.'

This chapter is short I'm sorry!

As much as I love a slow burn, I REALLY want to get them together alreadyy! It's only chapter 7 whoops.

I'm going to try to build up their friendship and Olivia's friendship with the other dancers first.

It's coming soon tho I promise :)

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