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The next few days at the studio were interesting, to say the least. Tom and Olivia couldn't stop smiling at each other, and everyone had noticed.

'1,2,3,4,5...' Briar instructed, as they practiced the group dance, 'Tom stop smiling like a goof, this is supposed to be a serious dance.'

Tom blushed as the rest of the team burst out laughing.

'Sorry Bri,' Tom offered.

'It's fine, just stop smiling,' Briar laughed.

'Yes ma'am,' Tom smirked.

The group continued to work on the dances, competition season was nearing so they had to be perfect.

After a few hours, the studio head, Jen, walked in and said she had to get everyone to try on their costumes. They decided that they'd work on smaller dances in the meantime, as they had to try on costumes in small groups so adjustments could be made.

Tom and Olivia practically ran to "their" room, eager to spend some time together. They'd got all the choreography for their duet, so they just needed to practice it more.

As soon as the door shut behind them, Olivia grabbed Tom's cheek and kisses him quickly. The longing glances they'd shared all morning had built up some electricity between them. Tom's hand moved to her back as her hands held his face.

After a while, they pulled apart.

'Hi,' Tom said breathlessly. Olivia was looking up at him, lips parted, breathing heavily. They were still encased in each other's arms.

'Hey,' Olivia replied with a grin.

'We should probably practice,' Tom suggested.

'Yeah, we should,' Olivia agreed, removing her hands from Tom and straightening up.

Tom turned on the music and they began to dance. The fact they were now in a relationship and had actually kissed only boosted the chemistry between them, so much so that they didn't even notice Harrison enter the room.

Harrison didn't want to interrupt, so stood by the door and watched.

They continued to dance, sparks igniting between them with each movement. They ended the dance as they always did, standing very close together, faces inches apart.

As soon as the music finished, smiles spread across the pairs faces and they collided in a hug, as they usually did at the end of the dance. As they began to pull apart, Olivia looked up at Tom's brown eyes, his pupils dilated quickly as their eyes met. He couldn't resist kissing her again.

'I KNEW IT,' Harrison yelled.

Tom and Olivia sprung apart, staring in shock at Harrison, and they exchanging a look, knowing they couldn't lie their way out of this.

'How?' Olivia asked.

'Alex told me,' Harrison simply said.

'That snake,' Olivia sighed.

'Why didn't you guys tell me, I've been rooting for you since the start,' Harrison asked as he walked towards the pair.

'Um, we didn't want any pressure, and if you knew we'd have to tell everyone. Plus it's literally been a week,' Tom answered.

Harrison narrowed his eyes, 'You guys have practically been dating since you met, you just kissed for the first time on Sunday.'

Olivia and Tom looked at each other again and laughed.

'You're not wrong,' Olivia agreed.

'Anyways, I'm so happy for you losers,' Harrison smiled, pulling the pair into a hug.

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