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When the girls arrived around 7:30pm, the party was already in full spin. It wasn't a particularly large party, with only the older members of the studio being invited.

The boys were stood by the snack table when, as the girls had expected.

'Hey,' Lamar yelled enthusiastically when he noticed them.

They all ran over and greeted each other in a series of hugs, despite having seen each other the day before. Once they'd all hugged one another they kind of split up, some staying at the snack table whilst the others danced. Tom and Olivia decided to do the latter and join the dance floor.

'This is so great. At all my school dances no one would actually dance,' Olivia shouted slightly over the loud music as they headed to the dance floor.

'Well we are all dancers,' Tom smiled.

Soon everyone was on the dance floor. A circle had formed and everyone was showing off their best tricks. The team were actually quite impressed by the younger kids dancing.

Tom tapped Olivia's shoulder gently. She turned around, confused.

He leant towards her and said, 'Follow me.'

She agreed and followed him out of the room. Luckily the party was held in the studio so they could get out easily.

'What's up?' Olivia asked when they stopped down the hall and she leant against the wall.

'You look beautiful,' Tom smiled, strolling over to Olivia.

'You look really hot,' she said with a smirk.

She leant towards him for a kiss, which ended up being more intense than she'd expected.

'Anyways what did you want to talk about?' Olivia asked slightly out of breath as they pulled apart.

'I was wondering what your stance is on telling the rest of the team about us. Haz keeps pestering me about it,' Tom laughed.

'I'm totally ready to tell them, I'm just not sure how,' She admitted sheepishly.

'We need to stop overthinking this,' Tom smiled.

'Let's just go back and figure it out. We don't need to force it,' Olivia said thoughtfully, beginning to stand up.

'Wait,' Tom said quickly, pulling her swiftly into another kiss.

'You're so clingy,' Olivia joked as they pulled apart.

'What can I say. I can't get enough of you, darling,' Tom replied.

The use of "darling" sent shivers down Olivia's entire body. Tom could tell she liked it, and he intended to use it again in the future.

'Your accent is so perfect,' Olivia whispered slightly.

'You're so perfect,' Tom whispered back.

The tension was disrupted slightly by the song changing.

'Ooh it's a slow song, we should go and dance,' Olivia said, grabbing Tom's hand.

He grinned as he followed her back to the party. The floor was already littered with couples dancing, some romantically and some platonically. As they reached an empty spot, Olivia stopped and pulled Tom towards her. She placed her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. They swayed to the music, lost in each other's eyes, occasionally whispering jokes to each other and laughing.

Olivia could feel the eyes of the rest of the team on them but she didn't care. As she and Tom danced, she was fully content. She'd always been afraid of closeness and intimacy - being a shy child she could barely make eye contact with people - but with Tom everything felt so comfortable and the time she spent with him was her favourite time. She'd truly never been happier.

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