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'What should I wear?' Olivia asked, holding up two outfits.

Taveeta looked up from her phone and examined them carefully, 'You would look amazing in both, but definitely the one on the left,' She answered.

'Ooh absolutely,' Jordan added.

'Ok, thanks,' Olivia said, walking to the bathroom to change.

The girls had all assembled at Briar's to get ready for the Christmas party at the studio. Brittany sat doing Jordan's make up, while Briar curled Taveeta's hair.


Meanwhile, Tom and Harrison were getting ready.

'Are you going to tell the others about you and Liv soon? Keeping it a secret is killing me. Especially when I'm captain of the ship,' Harrison complained.

'We will soon, I promise,' Tom said confidently.

'Why not tonight? You don't even have to say anything, just kiss or something,' Harrison suggested.

'I'll talk to Liv,' Tom reluctantly agreed.

'Anyways, how are things going with you guys? I assume good but I wanna know the details,' Harrison said, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

'Things are great, Liv is incredible. She's perfect,' Tom smiled.

'Man up and tell her you love her already, because you clearly do,' Harrison said bluntly.

Tom blushed a vivid red, 'I don't want to move too fast, but I will when the time is right.'

'She definitely loves you too, based on the way she talks about you to me,' Harrison smirked.

'She talks about me?' Tom questioned, smiling.

'Well, yeah. I'm her best friend too. She needs someone to tell about her love life,' Harrison replied, 'Liv, Alex and I have a group chat where we talk about you guys. Wait I wasn't meant to tell you that...'

'Nice to know,' Tom laughed.

'Also, when are you guys gonna hurry up and, you know... fuck?' Harrison asked.

Tom's blush intensified tenfold, 'That's a weird question to ask. I don't want to rush into anything.'

'Ooooh cuties,' Harrison laughed.

'I don't want to pressure Liv to do anything so please don't ask her,' Tom asked.

'Of course,' Harrison said sincerely, 'Are you nearly ready? We have to go.'

'Yeah, one minute,' Tom replied, heading to the bathroom.

'Don't tell Tom'
Harrison [Captain of the ship]
Olivia [oLOVEia]
Alex [The spy]

Captain of the ship
I may or may not have told Tom about this


Captain of the ship
He seemed to be fairly happy about it tbh


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