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Olivia [Liv☀️]
Alex [Alex🌙]

sorry for the short notice, I just haven't
got any assignments to do this
weekend so it's the perfect opportunity

It's taken you a while, you said you were
gonna visit like a month ago
I've just missed you!

I can't wait!


The weekend took its time to arrive, mainly due to Olivia's excitement.

'Are you ok? You've been very fidgety today,' Tom asked, concerned, as Olivia tapped her foot against the floor.

'Yeah I'm fine, just excited to see Alex,' Olivia explained.

'Ah, of course. Well not long to wait, he'll be here soon,' Tom said, reassuringly.

They finally finished for the day and Olivia practically ran home. She hadn't seen her twin since they'd both left their home town, so she was extremely excited. She sat staring at her phone, waiting for a text, when she heard a knock on the door.

Her face lit up as she dropped her phone onto the couch and ran to the door. She opened it to find Alex with a huge smile and open arms.

'Liv!' Alex smiled.

'Alex!' Olivia replied with the same enthusiasm.

Olivia wrapped her arms around her brother with a smile. He smelt like home.

'I've missed you,' Olivia said finally, pulling away and leading Alex in to the apartment.

'Me too, how have you been?' Alex asked.

'Amazing, moving for LA has been the best thing I've ever done. How's college going?' Olivia replied.

'It's awesome, I love it. Do you have any food, I'm starving,' Alex asked.

Olivia laughed, 'Well it's nearly 10, do you want to go out for dinner?'

'Sure, as long as I get food, I'm happy,' Alex said.

'Can I invite Tom and Harrison?' Olivia asked shyly.

'Of course, I'd love to meet some of your friends,' Alex winked, causing Olivia to blush.

Tom [Tom🕷]
Olivia [Liv🌻]
Harrison [Haz🧇]

Hey guys, wanna come to the diner?
My brother and I are getting some food

I'd love to, but I don't want to intrude

You wouldn't be, he wants to meet you guys

Ok then, I'm down

Yes yes yes it's been a while
Need more waffles

Meet you there in 10?



The group assembled at the diner quickly, all very hungry. Olivia steppes out of the car and immediately headed over to Tom and Harrison, Alex in tow.

'Hey guys, this is my twin brother Alex,' Olivia introduced.

'Nice to meet you mate,' Tom replied.

'Alex, this is Tom and Harrison,' Olivia said, pointing at each.

Tom walked over holding out his hand for a handshake, but Alex moved it out the way and went in for a hug. Tom was surprised at first, but hugged him back.

'You're just like your sister, she's a hugger too,' Tom laughed.

'Who do you think she got it from?,' Alex smiled, moving on to hug Harrison.

After they had hugged, Harrison said, 'Can we go eat now?'

Alex laughed, 'I like this one,' he said pointing at Harrison.

They entered the diner and sat at their favourite booth. Alex insisted that Tom sit next to Olivia, giving him a wink.

The group spent the next few hours chatting and laughing, Alex sharing stories about Olivia much to Tom's amusement.

Their energy began to dip around 1am so they decided to head home.

'You're friends are amazing,' Alex said, getting into Olivia's car.

'I know,' Olivia smiled, 'They're the best.'

'I wish I had a close friend group that actually got me, everyone at college is so uptight,' Alex moaned.

'You just need to look a bit harder, put yourself out there. You'll find your people I promise,' Olivia encouraged him.

'How do you always know what to say?!?! It's not fair,' Alex pouted.

'You needed a lot of advice growing up so I had to learn,' Olivia teased.

'Rude,' Alex replied.

'You love me really ,' Olivia continued to tease.

'Hmm questionable,' Alex admitted.

'You suck,' Olivia replied.

'Do you love me as much as you love Tom,' Alex asked.

'Hmm, right now I don't,' Olivia answered.

'Bitch,' Alex replied, causing both of them to laugh.

'We have to go to my favourite cafe tomorrow, just us two. We need to catch up properly,' Olivia said.

'I have loads of tea to spill girl,' Alex said dramatically, before bursting out laughing.

This chapter sucks, because it's just a set up for the next chapter. And is really short but I was so excited to write the next chapter I couldn't wait. Also I've already done a diner chapter.

Big things coming next chapter, brace yourselves!!!

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