Decisions and...Hesitation

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It did not take long for me to fall asleep as well. A dark room with nothing but white noise? Yeah. Very easy to fall asleep. Point being, I fell asleep in the small, dark, and cramped closet. I regreted doing so immensely. Me and Leilah weren't even in the clear quite yet. This closet could be frequently accessed for all I knew. And one wrong move in our sleep and some of the fragile metal shelves would come tumbling down along with all the chemicals and cleaning supplies on them. Honestly, I didn't want to wake up to smelling like bleach or ammonia. And if the two fell and spilled? And mixed? Those toxic fumes would end us faster than the security guards coming to investigate. 

Despite it all, my body begged for sleep. And I reluctantly gave into the demands. It wasn't like I was even sleep deprived I don't think. I think. I had gotten lots of rest from my night or so of sleeping in the glass chamber. Maybe my mind was just tired of trying to think through everything. Couldn't blame it. 

There I go again, dwelling on all of my life problems.

I need a therapist.


It has been 2 days now. Sera isn't back and I am sitting in class for the first time in a long time. It's not right. It doesn't feel right either. The teacher is rambling on about the quadratic formula. Honestly, I don't really think I am ever going to listen in this class. What purpose does this serve me? I zone out.

Arlo had no answers. I interrogated him already. I doubt that anybody else would really know a reason if he didn't. 

I can feel my eyes staring off into space. Only problem is, I don't have the energy to zone back in. 

I need to see her.
I can't.....

I raise my hand and ask to be excused to the bathroom. The teacher hesitates. Without waiting for a definite answer, I thank her and grab the hall pass while walking out the door.

The halls are quiet and empty.

Nobody is around. Finally, I can be in peace. 

I turn a few corners and finally find the one place I knew would be either completely abandoned or completely crowded. The bathroom. I walked in and turned on the faucet. The water was ice cold and made my fingers prickly as I ran them under it to test it. Bracing myself for the shock of the water, I cupped my hands and gathered enough water so that I could splash it onto my face. 

I looked up into the mirror. The ends of my hair were dripping. Beads of water covered my forehead and cheeks. My eyelashes were wet now too. I leaned on the sink.

What would people think if...If I told them all?

If I revealed my identity.

Sera already knew. She was the only real friend I had and the only one iwas worried about hiding it from. I blew that. What was holding me back? The headmaster has no reason to get mad at me for taking my rightful place. Neither does Arlo. He is always complaining about how I don't act like a "royal". And honestly, I have been thinking about it lately.

What if I am not... a "royal"? 

What if there is another title for me to claim?

I reached for a fistful of paper towels on the way out to dry my face. I tossed them into the bin next to the door and started for the stairs. 


I turned around fast. I was not in my mask right? NO....I was not. 

So who was it?

A faceless figure with glowing blue eyes stood at the end of the hallway, blocking my way to the stairs. An imposter. I should have predicted this. Oh well. I just have to take care of it quickly.

I was about to activate my ability when I stopped myself. I'm in public. With other students who still think that I am just a "cripple".  Was this the universe telling me that now is the time?

A sick feeling of butterflies and anxiety fills my stomach and I am brought back to the first time I ever fought with my ability. It set me on a certain track. Is this about to change the course of my life? Should I activate?

I stood still in the midst of panic that ensued around me. Maybe I was the one panicking. I have 2 choices. 

Stay hidden or Reveal myself.


I hesitate. 

Soon, I feel a presence in front of my face. Energy radiates off of them and out of instinct, I stumble my panicked body into a fighting stance. I...I am so conflicted.

"joker" throughs a punch. Easily, I block it and counter it. A simple move. It doesn't require a lot of fine motor skills. But I am slow. He hits me with another punch. And another.

Do I have a choice?

I reach inside my inner mind and bring my power to the surface.


Can't even fight under his own guise. Has to imitate me. 

My eyes are glowing and I see students that were fleeing turn to look at me. 

"The cripple?"

"I thought he had no ability"

Well guess what? I have one. 

I analyze the person in front of me. Simply just a speed and defense based ability. That is not a problem to copy or to manipulate. The aura was also very familiar. I have battled them before. I take on the manipulated aura and charge. The bystanders watch with their jaws to the floor. 

The fake joker is taken aback as he realizes who I am. The crowd emulates the same. 

I take the opportunity to tackle him to the floor. He is defenseless at this point. He has no will to even try. I wouldn't if I were him either. I pull my fist back. I pound his face again. And again. And again. 

The mask is bloody.

I loosen the grip on his shirt that I did not realize I had been holding and I stand. I walk and stand behind the body. Reaching for the mask, I reveal the fake joker. 

Zeke lays unconscious on the floor. 

Bloodied and beaten.


I raise my hands in victory and motion to the body.

With the bloodied mask in my hands, I pull it over my head. 

I am Joker.

Not a royal.

Not a minion.

Not a minor piece of the puzzle.


"I am Joker."

The students silently stare in disbelief. I stare right back. 

"Spread the word."

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