Chapter V

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Chapter 5

     Chapter 5

  Emberkit awoke and started prodding Leafkit and waited for her to awaken. "Watcha want." Leafkit asked groggily. "It's apprentice day, its apprentice day!!" Leafkit leaped onto her paws and bounded out of the nursery. Ember kit tripped to keep up and slid into the Elders den. "Hey, keep it down could ya!" "Sorry" Emberkit mumbled. He caught up to Leafkit just as she was running into the leaders den. "What are you doing?" Ember kit whispered sharply. Leafkit shook her head. "Just watch." “No! I won’t let you do this!” HIs eyes turned red and his pelt felt hot. He shoved Leafkit across the clearing. The only sound he hears is his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Emberkit calms his nerves a little and can hear the sound of a soft conversation going on in the den. He see’s Flaremoon talking to Leafkit. "And I know that. Now go and wait patiently like a good apprentice." Emberkit’s stomach twisted and turned like a angry churning stream.”Mouse, young one?” Cinderfern’s voice soothed his belly immediately.She nudged it towards him with her round muzzle, he purred. “Thank you Cinderfern.” The pretty she-cat licked his shoulder affectionately. He bent down to give the mouse a sniff,  he buckled his jaws into the mouse and took a satisfying bite. “Let all cats old enough to fight in battles gather underneath the Smokeledge for a Clan meeting.” Emberkit hadn’t even finished his mouse yet! He scoffed the rest of it down and went to join Leafkit by the Smokeledge. She held a proud look on her face as Flaremoon started the ceremony. “Leafkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be an apprentice. From this day on, until you have received your warrior name, you will be known as Leafpaw. Your mentor will be Feathersplash. I hope Feathersplash will pass down all she knows to you. Feathersplash. Can you come here a second?” The she-cat trotted forward. “Feathersplash, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Flowerwish, and you have shown yourself to be brave and courageous. You will be mentor to Leafpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Leafpaw.” Feathersplash met Flaremoon’s gaze. “I will Flaremoon. I promise.” The Clan cheered, “Leafpaw, Leafpaw, Leafpaw!”as Featherwish and Leafpaw touched noses. “Thank you.” Flaremoon was back on Smokeledge. “Emberkit, you also have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be an apprentice. From this day on, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Emberpaw. You mentor will be me. Feathersplash, do you mind doing to honors.?” Feathersplash met Flaremoon. “Not at all. Flaremoon, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Cherrybranch, may she rest in peace. You have also shown yourself to be brave and strong. You will be mentor to Emberpaw, and I expect you to pass on all that you know down to Emberpaw.” Flaremoon and Emberpaw touched noses. “Emberpaw Emberpaw Emberpaw!” The screams were deafening but all that Emberpaw wasn’t listening. The Clan leader! The Clan leader is my mentor! But why?” That was the one question that went unanswered.


             Chapter 5



                                                      Many moons have passed since Ashkit had received the mysterious dream, convinced it was just a random dream, he decided to let it slide out of his mind and try to forget about it.


Ashkit couldn’t help but suppress a shiver a cool gust of wind blew through his fur. Leafbare had just begun, prey was starting to go scarce and the rivers were starting to freeze.

Over his shoulder,

he caught a glimpse of a spotted cream colored she cat emerging from her den.  Petalmoon. He thought.

She was heading this way, her thick coat rustled in the cool breeze as she walked. Her expression was emotionless as she lifted her gaze to Ashkit.

“Ashkit…” she began. “You are now six moons old, I believe that you and Stripedkit are eligible to begin your apprentice training now. You will have your ceremony today.”

Excitement flooded through Ashkit like a running river paws to tail tip. “Thank you so much! I can assure you that we will be the best warriors this clans’ ever seen!” he shouted.

Her thoughts seemed to be elsewhere but she managed to stifle a tiny laugh. “That’s good.” she rasped. “Now go run off and find Stripedkit and your mother so you can them the good news.”


“Stripedkit! Stripedkit!” Ashkit squeaked as he bounded into the nursery with his paws tingling in excitement. “Wha?” Stripedkit moaned, her eyes still weary with sleep. “Petalmoon just told me that our apprentice ceremony is finally going to happen today!” he mewed.


“Really?” Stripedkit gasped as she sprang up to her paws.

Ashkit scoffed, “No I just wanted to tell you because I’m a fox.” he snapped. Stripedkit rolled her eyes in response but her eyes twinkled with amusement.

“We should go tell Cardinalwing the news.” Stripedkit stated as she looked over to the nursery. With the brief sway of her bushy tail they padded toward the nursery.

“It’s going to feel weird to be leaving this place.” Ashkit commented. Her gaze grew warm, “It’s also going to be a relief, this place stinks fox dung!” Ashkit grunted in agreement, he stopped in his tracks as he noticed Lavenderfur stroll by. “Hi Lavenderfur.” Ashkit greeted. “Have you seen Cardinalwing and Daisynose anywhere?”

Lavenderfur flicked her tail to the fresh kill pile, he stepped aside and locked his gaze on the two she cats. “Are you ready?” He asked Cardinalwing. She looked up from her vole. “Ready for what?” “Ready to move out of the nursery!” Her eyes widened. “But- You’re becoming an apprentice?” Ashkit nodded happily. “Let all cats old enough to fish in the river come to the Streamrock for a Clan meeting.  “Stripedkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be an apprentice. From this day on, until you have received your warrior name, you will be known as Stripedpaw. Your mentor will be Snakefur. I hope Snakefur will pass down all he knows to you. Snakefur. Can you come here a second?” The tom padded forward. “Snakefur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Badgerfang, and you have shown yourself to be smart and courageous. You will be mentor to Stripedpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Stripedpaw.” The tom and apprentice touched noses as Petalmoon started once again.  “Ashkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be an apprentice. From this day on, until you have received your warrior name, you will be known as Leafpaw. Your mentor will be Sharptooth. I hope Sharptooth will pass down all he knows to you. Sharptooth. Can you come here a second?” The tom came forward. “Sharptooth, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Cardinalwing, and you have shown yourself to be brave and cunning. You will be mentor to Ashpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Ashpaw.” Ashpaw’s heart was beating in his ears as he met Sharptooth’s nose. He barely heard his order. “Get some rest. We will train tomorrow.”


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