Chapter VIII

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“Welcome, Emberpaw.” A starry red tom was standing next to Emberpaw. “It hurts so bad.” he whimpered. “Hush, little one. I am Russetmoon. One of your ancestors from MoonClan.” Emberpaw fidgeted. “I’m..I’m dead?” The tom shook his vast head.

“No, you’re not dying, your body is coming here to recover. You and your brother will not die until your duty to the Clans is done. You have a great destiny ahead of you Emberpaw, or should I say possibly, Embermoon. Are you ready to go back?” Emberpaw inclined his head, “Yes, Russetmoon.” Emberpaw blacked out again, as a blinding light came towards him.

“He’s alive! Emberpaw’s alive.” Ashpaw’s yowls of joy were the last thing Emberpaw expected when he opened his eyes. “Graymist, did you get the burdock root?” Graymist brought over the strange root as Heatherpool chewed the plant rapidly, and put it on his badger bite. “I thought that was for rat bites?” Graymist questioned. “Well, right now we don’t have many options!” Snapped Heatherpool. “I also need chervil root, horsetail, cobwebs, goosegrass, mallow, nettle and oak leaves, tormentil, and maybe some wild garlic.” Heatherpool requested, as Graymist raced off, calling Ashpaw to go with her. Heatherpool found some cobwebs just next to them and gently placed them on the wound.

“I have the chervil root, goosegrass, nettle, oak leaves, tormentil, and the garlic. Ashpaw has the rest.” Heatherpool mewed a thank you while chewing the nettle and oak leaves into a poultice, and placing it into the bite. “Heatherpool, will I be okay?” Emberpaw gazed up at the FlameClan medicine cat.

“Yes, you will be just fine. Just. pray to MoonClan.” “Heatherpool...I can’t die yet.” Emberpaw whispered. “Of course not, no one wants you to.” Emberpaw leaned over.

“I was visited by a tom named Russetmoon in MoonClan. He said I can’t die until I have fulfilled my duty to the Clans.” Heatherpool stopped putting cobwebs on his wound, over the poultice.

“Well, then no cat must know that. Tell Graymist and Ashpaw, and maybe Flaremoon, but no one else must know. They will fear you.” Emberpaw slowly nodded as Heatherpool returned to protecting the wound.

“Where is that fox-brained apprentice now!” Graymist spat. “His brothers life is in danger here and he’s off chasing butterflies in a field with dandelions!” They heard shrieks and yowls as Emberpaw’s ears perked up. A yowl pierced the silence as leaves were rustling. Ashpaw burst through the clearing carrying the rest of the herbs he set them down next to Emberpaw as Graymist started chewing them. He winced as Graymist pounded the herbs down his throat.

“Where is the badger now Ashpaw?” questioned Graymist. “I killed it.” he replied. Heatherpool gaped at him. “Ho-” “MoonClan.” whimpered Graymist. “It’s the only explanation.”

“Emberpaw, get up and try to walk.” Graymist instructed. Emberpaw grimaced as pain went shooting up his spine.

“That’s impossible.” Heatherpool breathed. “You’re completely  healed. But how, that would take at least a whole moon. MoonClan has worked their magic again. It must be another one of your powers. And Ashpaw, yours must be that you always win your battles. But don’t get a badger’s head about it, sometimes even MoonClan can’t save you.”

“If you’re fine, we’d better get to StormClan right away.” Heatherpool went on.

“I grabbed some sorrel, daisy, chamomile, and burnet. It may be helpful on this journey. Ashpaw, catch a mouse for you and Emberpaw to share while taking these” Graymist advised. “But why, I’m all healed now!” Emberpaw protested. “I don’t want to push your limits.”

“Here you go. Uh...Emberpaw, why don’t you take the first bite.” Ashpaw offered. “Why. RainClan scaredy cat never tasted mouse before.” Emberpaw joked He saw the hurt embedded in his brother’s eyes. “I was joking. Watch out for bones though. It’s nice and tender too!”

Embermoon's path PART IWhere stories live. Discover now