Chapter four

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Azaria's p.o.v

When I walked out i got me penny board off the porch and skated to a park by the house.

I went to the swing set and just sat on  it thinking why do the boys do what they do to us? What did we ever do to them? What happened to me and Trevor? We used to be so close now he hates me and I don't know what I did.

A few more minutes I went to starbucks and got a vanilla frappé then when I turned around I bumped in to this kid 'bout my age he's kinda cute.

"Kid what the hell. at least there is nothing in that cup." I said.

"Yea, sorry I wasn't paying attention." He said.

"Yea I got that." I said.

"Well sorry again." He said.

"It's ok." I said.

"I'm Hayes." He said.

"And I'm Azaria." I said.

"Hey want to sit together." He asked.

"Yea sure." I said and we went and sat down.

"So to get to know each other, let's play 20 question." He said.

"Yea, sure ok." I said.

"When's your birthday?" He asked.

"July 12th, you?" I answered/asked.

"June 9th." He answered.

"do you have siblings, how many?" I ask.

"yes 3 , 2 brothers older and 1 sister younger, you?"

"1 brother. " I answered then my name got called.

I got my drank and sat back down then we asked each other more questions till I had to go.

"bye, I gotta go." I said.

"Can we exchange numbers?" He asked.

"Sure." I said then we walked out together and I skated home.

when I walked in the boys where on the couch with other people that I didn't know.

But they didn't notice me until I walked past the wall to go upstairs.

"Where were you?" Trevor asked making everyone turn to me.

"I went to the park." I said

"Why were you gone so late." He asked.

"I didn't notice how late it was." I lied.

"how did you not notice?" he asked getting up and coming closer to me.

"Cause I was lost in thought and did notice how late it was." I lied again stepping back looking down

"I'm going to go upstairs, bye." I said and walked away, as I was walking Trevor pulled me back.

"we'll finish this later." He whispered I just nodded and began walking again.

Suddenly I heard the door open I looked back to see the one and only Hayes oh God was the first thing that came to mind I turned back around and began up the stairs.

"Azaria is that you?" Hayes asked everyone looked at me then him.

"Hi Hayes. " I said.

"How do you know my sister?" trevor asked Hayes.

"We meet at -"

"That's not important. " I cut Hayes off.

"Yes it is, now let the boy talk." Ricky said.

"So before I was interrupted I was saying that we me at-"

"The park." I cut him off again.

"He can talk, now let him talk." Connor said ( a/n I know that Connor left but plz just go with it).

"Is that where you guys met?" Sam asked while I was pleading that he got the memo.

"No we met at Starbucks, I accidentally ran into her, like literally." Hayes said.

'wow, way to go along Hayes way to go along' i thought.

"So you lied, you where with him? " Trevor asked coming to me.

"Yea" I sighed.

"Ok that's all you had to say." Trevor said. why is he being so nice I thought.

I tuned and was about to go up stairs when I heard one of the boys that I didn't know ask where they where sleeping.

I turned around and just noticed that they all had bags 'oh shit'

"Oh shit, what?" A kid with brown short cut kinda spiked hair and blue eyes he looked like an older Hayes asked.

"Oh I said that out loud my bad yo." I said.

"Yea but, oh shit, what?" He asked again.

"Nothing." I said.

I walked up stairs got in the shower, got I'm my pjs and walked back into the room and the girls like jumped on me.

"Don't do that again." I said.

"You, your the one who should get that said to her." Shante said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause you just walked out not saying where you were going." Destiny said.

I just got in bed and went to sleep.

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