Chapter eleven

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Shante's p.o.v

What we seen made me cry so hard I like fell back int to someone

We saw them burning her with a ....

Flat iron and curling iron and they put words on her back stomach arms legs o god there everywhere

And the thing is she is just sitting there twisting and silently crying and when she screamed one of them would punch her in the mouth and the thing is they didn't even notice us

"Hay get away from her" Brent said then they looked up and noticed "well well well look what we have here it's 'the crew' what u need people to stick up for u now" Sam said more to Azaria then to us then the boys did something I didn't expect

they ran up and beat the shit out of the boys while me and Destiny helped Azaria without hurting her cuz they got everything but her face and neck but they did get it with a punch or slap but they got her neck it's like blueish purple but I can't tell what it is I'll just ask her later

Then we brought her to the room and got her more cover so u can't see any thing

Then we went and got to walking to the hospital cuz we don't have a car on the way there she passed out

When we got there we went to the emergency room and when we got there then they pulled a gurney and took her to a room

They said that we couldn't go back with her so while we where there we sat in the chairs and where pacing around the room they the boy ran in and Shawn went straight to destiny and Mathew to me,oh ya did I tell u that me and Matt are kinda dating😬 well ya so back off he's mines well kinda

&&&Few minute later &&&

The doctor walked out into the waiting room

"Azaria moran" she said and we all stood up "well azaria's...

Bullied by O2lजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें