Chapter twelve

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Destiny's p.o.v

"... Is fine she has a concussion and won't remember what happened and a broken arm but she's fine she can go when she wakes up, you can go see her but only one by one or two by two just try not to wake her up and when she goes home let her rest ok" the doctor said "ok" we said then she walked away

We all looked at each other that at Hayes because he was one of two who was crying the hardest Brent was the other one but we all let Hayes go first on one on one while the rest of us where waiting we where figuring who was going next

Hayes's p.o.v

When I got in the room I just stared at her I did have anything to say no "I love u's' nothing cuz it would just be a lie Ya I'm dating her but not cuz I like her I'm just going to humiliate her in front of the whole school I already have a girls friend so I just stood there I mean I feel bad cuz she kinda got hurt but eh whatever so I just walked out and started to fake cry again when I walked in the waiting room I saw the girls walk to the room I just sat there and first I stopped 'crying' then I went on my phone and went on Twitter and just read tweets,retweeted,and favorited some follow people and that's it really then I looked up to see the girls back and Brent gone but everyone looked kinda more happy

Brent's p.o.v (real life bae)

When the girls came back all boy went then It was my turn I walked in the room to see Azaria awake she was looking out the window till she hear me then she looked at me and smiled "hey Brent" she said o I love the way she says my name "hi..."I started "how u feeling" I asked " like shit" she said "wow umm well u can leave as soon as one of the girls sigh u out" I said smiling "awesome" she said with a boost of excitement of " well we have to call the doctor" I said as I pushed the button then the nurse came in and told I had to leave so I did I went back to everyone "so she's awake they are doing a quick test and the she can leave" I said

Then before i knew it we where walking and I couldn't help but be mad at her and Hayes I don't like him I just fell like he's going to hurt her so we all went to Nash and cam's house and just hung out we all watched movies and ended up sleeping over so ya that it

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