Chapter 4

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(Bens POV)

She chose me. She risked everything to be with me and still is risking everything for me. Why me? Why my sad excuse for a man?

I looked over to see Rey. She was sleeping soundly, all cuddled up under her blanket. She looked peaceful. Smiling, I pulled some hair from her face and got out of my cot slowly. Quietly walking out of the hut, I began to head towards the mirror cave. At least that's what Rey called it. She showed me where it was as she showed me around the island.

Ach-To. The home place of the Jedi Order. Home place of one of the strongest connections to the Sith. It was only my first night on the island, and I should be sleeping. But, the cave was calling to me while I was unpacking. Within five minutes I was there.

It was silent.

I could see the mirror. I couldn't see anything that Rey was describing. She described the reflection of two people, supposedly her parents. She even talked about seeing reflections of herself. Right now? It was silent.


"Ben? Why? I thought we were friends," a voice cried out.


"Rise, my apprentice."

"I will finish what you started," a familiar voice said from behind me. I whipped around to see Kylo. The face of a man I once knew.

"You are weak. Grandfather would be ashamed of you."

"You are dead," I said through my teeth. "YOU ARE DEAD TO ME."

"I will always be a part of you, Ben. I am inside of you. Corroding your every thought. I am never going away, Kylo Ren. The grandson of Darth Vader."

"I am the grandson of Anakin Skywalker."

"You are weak. You come down here and for what? You will never be alone, Ren. I will always be there in the shadows, whispering you to death."

I reached for my lightsaber only to feel it missing. It wasn't attached to my belt.


I turned to look in the mirror. It was me, clear unlike Reys. I was standing over a dead body, covered in blood. Blood was dripping from my clothes and a sinister grin was plastered on my face. The dead body looked familiar. It looked as if it was a girl...

It was Rey.

- - -

(Rey's POV)

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. Stretching, I slowly got out of my cot to notice that Ben wasn't in his. Confused, I grabbed my staff and ran out of the hut.

"Ben?" I said out loud. No response. "Ben? Where are you?"

"Rey? Are you okay?" A voice said from behind me. Turning, I saw Ben with a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah? I just couldn't find you."

"Oh, okay." Ben said slowly. "Did you get some sleep last night?"

"Yeah, did you? You look extremely tired and your face is pale," I said reaching to touch Bens face. Ben slapped my hand away and I shot him a confused look.

"I just need space today, okay?"

"I can understand," I said softly. "If you need anything, I'm going to be doing repairs on the Falcon."

Ben nodded and went back into the hut. I shook my head and started towards the Falcon. Walking down the steps, I began to feel a sense of freedom. I wasn't on a mission, I wasn't supposed to return to the Resistance with information or an old Jedi Master. I could do what I want, and I wasn't stuck on Jakku. Grinning, I ran down the rest of the stairs and into the cockpit of the Falcon.

I started to repair the compressor when I felt a hand wrap around my waist. Smiling, I wrapped my fingers into Bens and lifted my head up.

It wasn't Ben.

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