Chapter One: Acceptance

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"'Get into UA,' they said," I muttered to myself, "'it'll be easy,' they said."

I gritted my teeth and did another pull-up. Eight more, I thought to myself. Then you're done for the day.

Those eight pull-ups were the hardest I'd ever done.

When they told me I needed to get into the top hero academy, I was appalled. UA's acceptance rate was crazy low, and besides, I was a villain. Why would I want to go to hero school? Despite my objections, they wouldn't budge. So I trained day and night, only pausing for sleep, school, and food. The quirk I would be using at UA wasn't much to look at, so I needed to become stronger and faster if I wanted to pass the entrance exam.

I trained nearly nonstop for over six months, all the way up to the day of the entrance exam. Despite my strenuous preparations, I was still extremely nervous.

The written exam did nothing to soothe my nerves. I thought I did well enough, but not enough to make up for any mistakes in the second part.

The villains had stolen the plans for the physical exam, so I didn't really listen to the presentation about it.

I didn't know I'd fallen asleep until the person beside me nudged me awake.

"Sorry to wake you up," he said, "but everyone is leaving."

My eyes snapped open and I realized I'd been sleeping against his shoulder. I quickly sat up and muttered "sorry."

He laughed. "No worries. But take it easy. You look a bit overworked."

I gave him a quick half-smile and hurried to the testing area I'd been assigned to.

The test consisted of taking down robots of different values. Before the test, I had found the specs for said robots, so I was able to short circuit many of them with the water power I'd inherited from my mother. I didn't do as well as some, but I think I did well enough to have a shot at getting in.

Despite my best efforts to forget him, I couldn't help but wonder if that boy would be accepted too.

Three days later, the letter came in from UA. I resisted the urge to open it, instead running down to the bar and waiting for the others to gather.

"Do you think you got docked points for trapping the short kid under the robot?" Kurogiri, a man literally shrouded in darkness, said.

"That purple guy? He was such a pervert," I said. "He was never going to get into UA anyway."

"You're probably right."

"Open the envelope," a raspy voice said from the bar.

"I was waiting on you, you know."

I ripped open the envelope and removed the pieces of paper and a small disk. The moment I sat the disk down on the bar, it lit up and projected a video into the air, but I didn't hear anything from except the first few words:

"Congratulations! You have been accepted into UA High School!"

I froze, mouth agape, as the rest of the message played.

"Good work," came a crackling voice from the speakers. "But the next part won't be so easy."

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