Chapter Four: Trial

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"My hero costume is a little too much, if you know what I mean," Uraraka said, looking extremely uncomfortable. Apparently whoever had been in charge of her costume was in favour of costumes that highlighted curves and certain feminine features. "You got super lucky, Yamikawa."

"That's because I was extremely specific," I said, tugging on my boots. "I included exact measurements and specifications."

"I guess that's what I get for not thinking ahead," she sighed.

Uraraka really hadn't planned ahead. While her costume was skintight and more flashy than useful, mine was loose and practical. It faded from my black hair to my white boots with every color of blue in between. It was reminiscent of my mother's old costume, which was the opposite color scheme, from her white hair to black shoes. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever owned.

I left my mask off and strapped it to my belt before putting on my gloves that had openings on my palms and fingers that would help streamline the water where I needed it to go. The last element of my costume was an experiment more than anything: a storage device that could contain large amounts of water and store it until needed. Theoretically, it could also aim and shoot water, but I didn't know if it would work how I thought it would.

Once all of us girls had our costumes ready, we met up with the guys in the hallway, some of whom were staring. From what I'd heard, we would be doing some kind of fight against each other in pairs. I didn't really care who I was paired up with; I cared who I'd be fighting.

It turned out I would be fighting Kaminari and Jiro, a girl with headphone cords attached to her ears. I wasn't extremely worried, considering my partner was Yaoyorozu, who was accepted to UA under recommendations. I wasn't completely sure of the details, but I knew she could create nearly anything with her quirk.

As the battles went on, I became more and more grateful that I wouldn't be fighting someone overpowered. I never would have won against Bakugo or Todoroki. I hoped I would never have to fight them.

Yaoyorozu and I hid in the building first, as we were acting as the villains in the battle.

"Jiro will be able to hear anything we do or anywhere we go," Yaoyorozu said when we arrived at the "nuclear bomb" we were protecting, "so there's no reason to be stealthy."

"Should we stay and guard or go hunting?" I asked.

A set of headphones appeared out of her skin. "I'll go hunting. You stay and guard the weapon." She left to find the other team.

When Yaoyorozu had been speaking, I had sensed nothing but confidence rolling from her in waves. I hoped her confidence was not misplaced.

As I turned to face the door, I placed my mask over my nose and mouth. I had learned that, when using my quirk, I accidentally drew water out of my respiratory system, eventually shutting down my lungs. The mask was meant to prevent water from getting out.

I heard a loud crash from not far away. I sincerely hoped it was Yaoyorozu winning the battle, but I wouldn't know until someone walked through that door, whether it be her or Jiro and Kaminari.

The person to walk through the door was Kaminari.

"Yaoyorozu is still fighting Jiro, but I figured I'd come win the battle for us," he said,

"You won't," I said simply, gathering water toward me and creating a sort of mist that hovered around my skin.

Kaminari attacked. His electricity cackled as it shot in my general direction. I raised my arms to defend myself, raising a shield of water from my palms to block him.

I smelled something burning and blacked out.

"Maybe" | Denki Kaminari [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora