Chapter Twelve: Camp

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The rest of the term passed with little event, at least for me. Internships came and went, leaving only final exams to look forward to. I wasn't particularly worried, not about exams. I was concerned that the League of Villains hadn't attempted to contact me or further ruin my life. I was relieved, but I couldn't help but worry.

Not ten minutes after I'd finished my last exam of the term, I was pulled into a meeting with Principal Nezu.

"Has something happened with the League?" I asked as I sat down.

"No, not yet," he said. "Tea?"

"Yes, thank you."

"The League of Villains has been too quiet for too long," he said. "This means they will most likely make a move during Summer Break. The heroes are worried they will attempt to contact you."

"If they do, I'll ignore them."

Principal Nezu handed me a steaming cup of tea. "We have actually decided on a different course of action. If the League attempts to re-enlist you, we want you to accept."

"You want me to be a spy?"

"Yes and no. You would be a failsafe, an advantage we could use if things went downhill. If they contact you, we don't want to know about it. Your teacher has been told to look the other way. We don't want your allegiance revealed until we need it to be."

I set the cup of tea on the desk and crossed my arms. "Let me get this straight: you want me to return to the ranks of the villains to prepare for an emergency that might never happen?"

"Any actions you take as a villain would be pardoned."

I laughed. "You really think I'll do this?"

"I hope you will."

I didn't have to make that difficult decision for the first week of summer break, and the school trip to training camp was a relief. The odds of the villains finding us and attacking us were so low it wasn't even a possibility.

"'You okay?" Denki asked as he leaned out the open window of the bus.

"Yeah, mostly," I said. I hadn't told him about my conversation with Principal Nezu, but I wanted to.

"Do you think they'll have lunch waiting for us?"

"It's training camp. They could be trying to test us. Maybe the food will be poisoned."

"Poison is preferable to starvation."

"You haven't met many poisons."

Starvation began to look like an option as our entire class began our hike through the woods surrounding the camp. Monsters to fight seemed to appear at every turn, and we were all tired in the scorching heat.

"What are the odds of villains attacking?" Jiro asked after about five hours.

"If they did, I would let them kill me," Mina said. "Anything is preferable to this."

"No you wouldn't," I said. "Besides, Bakugo is so angry he would probably kill the villains if they showed now."

"Then let's hope they show up," Jiro said, scowling at another branch in her hair.

Three hours later, we finally arrived at the camp. I collapsed on the ground and refused to stand up, even when Jiro kicked me in the side.

"Kaiya," Mina said, "get up."

"No," I groaned. "My legs don't work."

She sighed. "Is the river toxic?" I heard her ask one of the supervisors.

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