Chapter Seventeen: Spy

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"Did you apply to any agencies?" I asked Denki after class the next day.

"I'm not sure my grades can take the hit," he said. "Besides, I doubt I'd get accepted. Are you?"

"I think I've got enough on my plate right now."

He nodded. "When does the League need you to come in?"

"I don't know. Within the next week or two."

My phone dinged, making me sigh.

"Dabi?" Denki asked.

I nodded. "Apparenly a week turned into an hour. They need me to go now."

"Stay safe." Denki sqeezed my hand. "If you need help, call me, and I'll bring every hero in Japan with me."

I smiled and left to my room to change into my villain costume: my work uniform under a flowing, hooded cloak that could conceal any number of weapons, supplies, or occasionally people I wished to keep hidden. Many of the cloak's threads contained droplets of water, allowing me to manipulate its movement.

On my thirty-minute walk to the meeting location, I had completely altered into my villain mindset. I hated this side of myself. I hoped none of the heroes, especially Denki, ever saw me like this.

"Dark River?" a voice said behind me.

I spun slowly, my cloak moving like smoke. "Who's asking?"

"I'm Toga." A girl, 18 at the most, stepped out from the shadows. "This is Twice."

The man in black and white clothing waved.

"You're right on time," he said.

I inclined my head towards the inconspicuous door a few feet from us. "Shall we?"

Toga giggled and knocked four times in quick succession. The door immediately swung open to a brightly lit hallway where a person in a plague doctor-looking mask was waiting.

What year do they think they're in? I thought. It's not like the Black Death is in Japan right now.

We were escorted through a series of hallways to what could best be described as an office without a desk. Chisaki sat on a chair across from a couch and barely acknowledged us when we arrived. Toga and Twice sat on the couch while I stood behind, analyzing Chisaki and his plague mask.

"You don't mind if I ask some questions?" he asked.

"Not at all," Twice replied. He seemed almost too friendly to be a villain.

The tall plague mask (that's what I began to call non-Chisaki people standing across from us) proceeded to ask Toga and Twice about their quirks, which they explained in great detail. A truth-telling quirk, I thought. I knew I was next, and I wasn't about to answer that question.

Under the folds of my cloak, I took a dagger and sliced a cut into my arm. My pain was quickly gone, however as I increased it tenfold and sent it hurtling at the plague mask asking the questions. He collapsed against the wall in pain.

"That's my quirk," I said. "Need I provide another example?"

"That should be sufficient," Chisaki said, shushing one of the objecting plague masks.

"What do you need us for?" Toga asked.

"The heroes will be attacking this hideout soon," he said. "You three are going to help us protect it when they do."

"How long until that happens?" Twice seemed as nervous as I felt.

"A week, most likely. You will need to stay here for that duration."

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