Chapter Two: Homework

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I walked down the hallway of UA high not as a villain, but as a hero. It felt... not horrible.

With just under five minutes to spare, I made it to my new class: 1-A. I settled into a seat in the second row and propped my feet on the table, attempting to block out an argument between students with a book.

I continued to ignore everyone as more students filtered in, even when one took the desk next to mine.

"Well, I'm glad you made it in," the person said.

I glanced up from my book to see the boy I had accidentally fallen asleep on during the exam presentation. When I realized this, my face went red, but I was able to quickly cover it up using the quirk I inherited from my father.

"I'm glad you made it, too," I said, shutting my book.

"Barely," he said, laughing nervously.

Any response I may have said was interrupted by a loud thump from outside the door and gasps from those closest. It quickly became clear that a man completely wrapped in a sleeping bag of sorts was the source of the noise.

"This is going to be an interesting year," the boy next to me said.

Our homeroom teacher started off the first day of class with an examination of physical strength with the use of quirks. The student ranked the lowest after a series of tests would be expelled, but that wasn't really a problem for me. I knew I could beat at least one person in the class.

"How do you think you're going to do?" the boy asked as we all filed out to the field.

"Middle of the pack, probably," I said. "You?"

"I probably won't do very well," he said. "But I think I can do well enough to not get expelled."

I laughed nervously. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Denki Kaminari. You?"

"Kaiya Yamikawa."

Denki grinned. "Well, anyway Kaiya, good luck."

Despite my nerves, I couldn't help but grin back.

As I walked back home, my phone vibrated in my pocket. When I glanced at the screen, it turned out my foster mother had texted me. I ignored her. She was never interested in my life unless she wanted something.

The house was empty, as usual, and I settled in to do homework. I would have to report to the villains at the bar at some point, but they could wait. After all, they were the ones who wanted me to be in UA.

When my phone rang, I was tempted to ignore it, but I knew if it was the foster mother or the villains then I would be in trouble.

"What do you want?"

"Where are you?" It was Kurogiri. "Class let out over an hour ago."

"And I have homework."

"The boss wants you here now."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Tell the boss I'll be over in a few minutes."

According to most sources, a few of anything is generally three or four. I took seven minutes to get to the bar. Some may call me petty, but I call myself a rebel.

I walked in the pouring rain to the bar and ignored the multiple times my phone rang. Reading one of my textbooks, I shoved open the door to the building with my shoulder.

"What took you so long?" Shigaraki growled.

"Homework," I mumbled, not looking up from the page.

"You should have been here an hour ago."

"You're the one who enrolled me in school."

The speakers crackled. "Stop fighting. It will get us nowhere. We have more important matters to deal with."

"Like All Might?" I asked, sitting on top of the bar. "Or don't you suspect he may be more of a 'Mostly Might'?"

"How did you know that?" Shigaraki hissed.

"Some of us have more favor with the boss that others."

"Master, what is the plan?" Shigaraki asked, glaring at me.

"The plan," the voice said throughout speakers, "is to kill All Might." 

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