Chapter Fifteen: Nightmares

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I woke up five hours later screaming. When I regained awareness of my surroundings (I'm in my room, not the League's warehouse), I fell against the pillows as my heartbeat slowed. It had felt so real. I could feel the blade of the knife against my skin and I could see my friends' faces as they disintegrated before my eyes.

The worst part was that it could happen any day. All of it.

When I couldn't take the darkness anymore, I turned on my bathroom light and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I ignored my hair and threw on Denki's hoodie instead and walked downstairs.

No one was in the common area, thank goodness. What would I have said? Oh, just a few nightmares that could totally happen. I just saw you die. Yay! Want some waffles?

Waffles. That was a good idea.

When I checked the fridge, there was absolutely nothing I would need if I wanted to make waffles. I would have to go to the store, but we were technically under a curfew and not allowed to leave the dorms. Well, the teachers had been told to look the other way since I was supposed to be a spy and all. I felt a little bad for sneaking out to get waffle stuff under the guise of villainy, but my hunger had more sway over my emotions than my morality did.

A few strange looks and half an hour later, I was back at the dorms. Appparently most people don't show up at the store to buy stuff for waffles at six in the morning, but we can't all be cool. I had to go back to my dorm room for my waffle maker, but I was making waffles by seven.

"What are you doing?" Bakugo, the first one down, asked.

"Waffles," I said. "Want one?"


I slid a plate over to him. "Syrup and such is in the fridge."

The early risers all showed up within fifteen minutes after that. Jiro, Iida, Tokoyami, and Kirishima fought over the first few waffles. By the time the rest of the class entered the kitchen in various states of wakefulness, I had an assembly line and three coffee makers going. Jiro and Tokoyami brought their own, along with the one already in the kitchen, but we still couldn't make it fast enough. 

"I made enough waffles to feed UA," I said to Denki when he finally showed, his hair messed up stylishly.

"How long have you been awake?" he asked.

I shrugged vaguely, dodging the question by handing him a plate.

When I turned off my lights that night, I immediately turned them right back on. I couldn't go back to sleep. I wouldn't face those nightmares again.

I wandered downstairs. Between the dark, the moonlight filtering in through the windows, and the lack of people, it gave me a sense of otherworldly peace, like this was a different place than it was in the daytime.

I hadn't seen the entire common area, and when I explored some of the other rooms, I found a piano, covered in dust. I smiled a little. I hadn't played piano since I began my preparations for getting into UA, but I loved it all the same. I couldn't sing to save my life, but I played well enough.

I found a cloth to dust off the wooden surface and found a few discarded sheets of music. I recognized some of the pieces, but some notes had been scribbled out and replaced by whoever the previous owner was.

I sat down and tentatively played a scale. My fingers stumbled over each other, but they remembered their places. I tested out the beginning of one of the sheets, and soon the room was filled with the sound of the piano. I played each piece of music until I had it perfect, even with the additions. I played well into the morning.

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