Chapter Twenty-Two: Graduation

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As I stepped up to the podium, I tried to comfort myself enough that I would be able to speak. They won't be listening after Momo's speech, I thought. They're just waiting for you to be done. Then you can leave and take a nap.

I unfolded the piece of paper and took a deep breath before speaking into the microphone.

"If there is one word I could use to describe my class, it would be resilient. To be completely honest, I don't know how we are all standing here today graduating. I'm surprised none of us have died, been injured, or left the course simply because of the danger. Then again, I guess I'm not surprised, given how stubborn some of us can be.

"When I was writing this speech, I started thinking back on the last three years. And goodness, what even was first year? It was just villain attacks and battles and rescue missions. It was a really difficult year, but think about what it's done for us: we had a head start on what heroes really face outside of the classroom and more experience than we ever thought possible.

"To the hero agencies out there, I want to say a few words specifically to you. Every single one of these heroes graduating today, whether from Class A or Class B, will be the greatest heroes one day. Even those with quirks marked as 'weak' or 'not fit for battle' have trained and studied to be just as good, if not better, than those with gifts made for battle. You have forty-one opportunities standing here, opportunities for the world to become a safer and better place. Don't give it up.

"To my classmates, specifically those from Class A, go out and be the heroes you already are. I know you have doubts about your talents, your quirks, and your overall ability to be a hero, but you have everything you could ever need to be the best heroes this world has ever seen. I've spent three years with you, and I'd like to say I'm friends with all twenty of you. Because of that I feel I have the right to say you guys are idiots if you think you're going to be anything but the best. So go out there and be Plus Ultra."

I folded up my paper, glad its over, and was stepping down from the stage when a voice, a reporter, most likely, shouted from the crowd:

"So you aren't going to address the villain graduating from a hero school?"

I froze, but through the crowd I met Denki's eyes. He nodded, knowing I wanted to say something. I stepped back to the microphone and stared at the direction in which the voice had come from.

"To judge someone based on how they were raised is to take away their opportunity for improvement," I said as calmly as I could manage. To be honest, I felt like I was going to break down into tears or burn down a building. "Yes, I was raised by villains, but you were raised by hero supporters, I assume, and there is nothing to stop you from becoming a villain. They would accept you based on your choice to become something, not on your history as a hero supporter.

"I don't expect you all to accept me just yet, but I hope I can prove to you in some way that I have no lingering loyalty with villainy. A few of my classmates have witnessed the emotional scars that still linger from my eight years with the villains, but if that isn't proof enough, I have physical scars as well. My back is covered in scars from Tomura Shigaraki's quirk and right side--" I wiped the concealer from my face "--has been permanently marred by another villain. These are not wounds I wear with pride, but as a reminder of the cage I have been released from and the hope that I can rescue some other child from the pain I had to go through. You may still believe I would go back to that Hell, or that I never left it, and all I can do is to ask that you reconsider. A hero's goal is to save everyone, including villains, and the heroes graduating today saved me."

I stepped down from the stage with complete silence surrounding me. I wasn't prepared to talk about my history, so it took all my energy not to fall asleep when I found my place beside Denki.

"You were awesome," he whispered.

I smiled halfheartedly. "I regret rubbing off the concealer. Now people are staring at me."

"Luckily you have the best boyfriend in the world." He handed me a crumpled mask from his pocket. "I think ahead."

"You are the best." I took the mask and looped it over my ears, covering most of the scar.

The rest of graduation passed quickly. I think the teachers wanted it to be over as quickly as possible after my speech, but I wasn't complaining. After the ceremony finished, Mina and Kirishima dragged the entire Bakusquad to an iHop for a celebratory lunch-breakfast thing.

"Your speech was fantastic," Mina said after ordering more pancakes than she could ever eat. "I don't know how you come up with that stuff."

"Procrastination and adrenaline," I said.

Someone tapped my elbow, and I turned to see a little girl, eight at the most. "Are you Miss Yamikawa?" she asked.

I realized my scar wasn't covered, but there was nothing I could do, so I just smiled. "That's me. What's your name?"

"Kaiya," she said. "Same as yours, right?"

"Yeah, that's my first name. So what can I do for you, Kaiya?"

She didn't meet my eyes. "I was wondering if you could help me and Mom."

"Sure. Where's your mom?"

"She's over here." Little Kaiya grabbed my hand and walked me over to a table where a tired-looking mother sat.

"Are you Kaiya's mom?" I asked.

"That's me." She can't be much older than me.

"She told me you need help. What can I do?"

She looked me up and down. "I don't know if you can."

"I have twenty heroes on speed dial. What can I do?" I repeated.

"Oh, you're the girl who graduated today. The not-villain."

"I suppose that's correct," I sighed. "I can get someone else if--"

"No, you're perfect. Kaiya has not stopped talking about you since your speech on TV. She loves you. You bring her hope."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not following."

"Her father is... not kind," the mother said. "Your scars give Kaiya hope."

I sucked in a breath. "He's abusive?"

"I wouldn't say that--"

"I'm trying to help you, ma'am, but I can't if you aren't honest with me."

She sighed. "Yes. He is abusive. But he has all the money and we don't have anywhere else to go."

"I know someone with plenty of money and I think I can get you and Kaiya a place to stay while the court works things out." I smiled and patted her hand. "We're gonna get this figured out. We may be new, but we're still heroes."

"Maybe" | Denki Kaminari [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن