Track Three: U.N.I

73 5 2

babe, come over. We have to talk.

Luke read the text from his lover and smiled, he was just thinking of his lover, and boom - it's as if they're synced together.

Coming bae.

He replied to Ashton, then skipped down to his car, hopping in and driving the short distance to Ashton's house.

Luke got out of the twenty year old car, and skipped to Ashton's front door.

He rang the bell, and was greeted by a rather sad looking Anne.

"Hey, Luke." She sighed, walking away from the door letting like let him own self in.

"He's upstairs." Luke already knew this, but he thanked Anne and ran up the stairs.

"Hey, Ash!" Luke burst through the door of Ashton's bedroom.

Ashton was sitting on his small bed, fiddling with his fingers and paying way to much affection to his feet.

"Hey, Luke, we need to talk-"

"About what?!" Luke pouted, wondering what he did wrong.

"Well, umm, you know how I'm going to uni soon-" Ashton muttered, wiggling uncomfortably.

"Spit it out!" Luke whined, not even realizing the seriousness in Ashton's voice.

"Luke, I got accepted into university. And, I mean, your for sure going to get signed soon-" Ashton began, trying to brake the news to Luke.

"I know! Isn't it great?!" Luke, again, foolishly not understanding what was happening.

"Yes, Luke, it really is, but. I don't think our relationship can survive..." Ashton muttered, fiddling his fingers.

Luke titles his head, confused. "Why can't it survive? Were together forever!"

"I, um, I know, but, I just think it's better for both of us if we stay friends." Ashton sighed, falling over onto his bed.

"Okay, I mean, if that's what you want." Luke flashed a fake smile at his now ex lover, while on the inside his world was crumbling down.

"You sure you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just want you happy."

It had been three months since the brake up, and they had remained close friends. Luke had decided to leave Australia and go to LA in the states. Ashton was leaving for university the same day as Luke's flight.

Ashton was deemed the driver for Luke to get to the airport, because no one else was available.

Ashton was parked infront of Luke's house, were his mom was sobbing and clinging to her son saying things like "do you have to go? Please like don't go." And "you always have a home here, well send money for a plan ticket if you need it..."

Ashton held back the want to honk the horn, because he knew at this pace Luke would be late for the airplane.

"Mum, I gotta go. I love you. I'll text you when I land." Luke kissed his mothers cheek just making her sob, then rolled his two suitcases down the driveway to shove them in Ashton's rusty old car.

"So, your going to uni today?" Luke asked, once buckling himself in the car.

"Yeah, driving there after I drop you off." Ashton replied, putting the car in drive but slowly driving off so Luke could wave goodbye even from the car.

"So, LA, huh?"

"Yeah, there's some producer there that saw my YouTube videos and wants me to come out? I guess I might even get signed."

"Damn, I guess I better be looking out for your debut album soon." Ashton smirked at the blonde.

The rest of the car ride was a lot of small talk, a lot of "Yeahs" and "Nahs"

"Here, I'll help with the bags." Ashton said, braking Luke out of his deep thoughts.

"Yeah, thanks mate." Luke sighed, getting out of the car.

"Um, so, I guess this is goodbye?" Ashton said, once getting Luke's quite heavy luggage out of his trunk.

"For now, I guess." Luke said, unsure of wither a hug, or a handshake was the appropriate way of saying goodbye.

"I'll miss you." Ashton said, looking down.

"I'll miss you too." Luke took this opportunity to force his lips upon Ashton one last time.

Ashton had no idea what was going on, but soon he closer his eyes and wrapped his arms around Luke's waist.

"Bye, Ashy." Luke said, pulling away form what seemed to be a minute long kiss, only to hear "flight 349 to Las Angeles now boarding"

"Bye, Lukey..." Ashton muttered, but Luke had already skipped away into the airport, and out of Ashton's life.

Now, a year later, Luke lays in his bunk on his tour bus, while Ashton lays in his bunk in his dorm.

They both are thinking of each other, but they both never had the courage to speak again. Maybe in a few years, once Ashton's education was done, he could surprise Luke at one of his many concerts, and maybe, Luke wouldn't have found someone better then Ashton.


I loved writing this to be honest. Also, I've gotten a request for a part two for drunk. If I get 4 more requests for it, I'll do it. Okay babes, bye. Love ya. ~ Madsy

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