Track Four: Grade 8

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Luke rushed into his schools back entrance - his classmates/ running into the backstage of the auditorium. "Were here!"

"Ashton, Calum, Michael, thank god your here. We sent on the act that was going to follow you. Is your band ready?"

"Ready as ever." Mikey goofily grinned at their drama teacher.

"so, I guess just watch Ashton until he's done." She shrugged, getting pulled away by a ballerina who needed help with her bun.

"I'm so fucking pumped for this were gonna do fucking amazing!" Mikey cursed, and I zoned him out when I looked out to the stage.

A cute boy with glasses, was there, sitting on a small stool, singing a A-cappella version of ed sheeran's 'The A Team'

Oh god, he's voice was beautiful and it didn't even need music in the background.

My stomach was churning and in a knot, it wasn't doing this because I was nervous. It was doing this because he was so damn perfect.

Luke wasn't completely sure of his sexuality. Sure, he liked pussy. Sure, he liked dick. But that was only porn. When he was looking for a lover, he wanted personality and the rest didn't matter.

The boy ended the song, and everyone was clapping (slower then they should've, really he was amazing) but he then sat down at the empty drum kit and bashed his heart out.

He then bowed, as people screamed happily.

The boy ran over to us and basically tackled the most popular, self centered, slutty American football player ever.

Jake, just shoved him off. "Yea, cool. Now common, I got a game."

"Hey, Ashton, Jake doesn't deserve you. If I was him I'd never put you down after a amazing performance like that!" Luke screamed over to him, just soon enough for him to hear - and to stop himself from walking out with Jake.

Luke was surprised when he was tackled by Ashton when Luke was done singing and playing his heart out.

"That was awesome!" Ashton squealed.

"Yeah, we know." Mikey did a hair flip.

"Hey, Ashton is it? Since you and Lukey seem to be all cuddles, and your awesome on drums, wanna join our band?" Calum giggled as Ashton's face got hot.

Ashton nodded and hid his face in Luke's neck, Luke never letting him down.


Okay even I have to admit that that sucked ASS! Lmfao. Short and shitty. Have no idea why anyone reads my shit.

Ps: new word of the day. A-cappella means singing without any music.
Pss: I didn't even realize I made Ashton Ed's song omg.
Psss: in this Luke is pansexual. LIKE MEHHH!!! ♡

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